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Installing the .NET Core Debugger on Arch Linux

Driphter edited this page Jul 26, 2017 · 3 revisions


.NET Core does not officially provide packages for use on Arch Linux. But many folks in the community have been successful in getting it to work. Here are the steps:

1: Find or install icu (International Components for Unicode library). The icu52 package is compatible with the Ubuntu 14.04 .NET Core, and the icu57 package is compatible with the Ubuntu 16.04 .NET Core. You can find the version you have installed with ldconfig -p | grep

2: In VS Code, Invoke File->Preferences->Settings.

3: Set "csharp.fallbackDebuggerLinuxRuntimeId" to either "ubuntu.14.04-x64" or "ubuntu.16.04-x64" depending on the result of the first step.

4: Restart VS Code and open a C# file.

5: The C# Extension will download its dependences. You will hopefully see that the download now succeeds and the debugger will run.

6: If you upgrade to a more recent version of the C# extension in the future, you should see that you setting is kept, and so things will just work.


Thanks to all the folks in the community who contributed information to make this possible. Full details are in issue #1323.

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