- Assignment 1
- Prove: isometries matrices forms a group
- Prove: DoG can be a good approximation of LoG
- Prove: ATA*(least square method to solve a over-determined linear system)* is non-singular
- Assignment 2
- Calculate: infinity point in the homogeneous coordinate in the augmented Euclidean plane
- Prove: four points are coplanar in 3D Euclidean space <=> a special matrix equal to 0
- Calculate: compute the Jacobian matrix of pd w.r.t pn for performing nonlinear optimization in the pipeline of camera calibration
- Calculate: compute the Jacobian of the rotation matrix w.r.t its axis-angle representation
- Assignment 3
- Varify: the gradient of the cost function for logistic regression
- Assignment 1
Item | Info |
Name | Zhe ZHANG |
ID | 1754060 |
Adviser | Lin ZHANG |
Course Name | 42029401 Computer Vision |
dbzdbz@tongji.edu.cn |