#'Flower Shop' Overview
Flower Shop is an app suitable for demonstrating that container load balancing is happening. It includes a Dockerfile to build it into a container image, and startup scripting to make it easier to show a failure scenario.
Flower Shop includes the IP address of the OS it has been served from. This is for the purpose of understanding how load balancing is performing. The IP address is hashed into an index to choose a flower that associated with the server. Again, the purpose is to expose different servers running behind a load balance; the flower image is intended to make the difference more visual.
Flower Shop has scripting included to break the service. Basically you just exec into the container and run stop-servers.sh. See below for details.
You can deploy Flower-Shop into your own IBM Bluemix space by clicking this button:
You'll be guided through logging in to your IBM Bluemix account, or signed up for a trial one if you don't already have one. Then a new container group with 2 instances will be deployed into IBM Containers.
This tutorial will be helpful in getting started with IBM Containers. Tutorial 1 will help you get the command line set up so you are ready to interact with your containers. https://new-console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/containers/container_gettingstarted_tutorial_lesson1.html#container_gettingstarted_tutorial_lesson_1
The other steps are informative, but not directly required for using the demo.
Once your command line is set up, you can see the containers in the group with the command
cf ic group instances flower-shop
You can interact with a container with this command, then issue commands inside the container
cf ic exec -t -i [containerid] bash
For example, to stop the flower-shop app to show failover or otherwise test load balancing, stop the processes for flower-shop.sh script, plus any nc
processes. You just need to run ./stop-services.sh to accomplish this.
cf ic exec -i -t a79afc8c-02db-4925-95bb-1140829a9a2a bash
root@instance-0047d230:/# ps aux
root 1 0.0 0.0 17972 2792 ? Ss 14:31 0:00 /bin/bash /entrypoint.sh
root 38 0.0 0.0 18064 2916 ? S 14:31 0:00 /bin/bash ./flower-shop.sh http://www.public-domain-photos.com/free-stock-photos-4-big/flowers/daisy-detail.jpg
root 39 0.0 0.0 4348 640 ? S 14:31 0:00 sleep 86400
root 789 0.0 0.0 46012 3072 ? S 15:41 0:00 sudo nc -l -p 80 -w 1
root 790 0.0 0.0 9132 800 ? S 15:41 0:00 nc -l -p 80 -w 1
root 791 0.1 0.0 18144 3004 ? Ss 15:52 0:00 bash
root 834 0.0 0.0 15568 2116 ? R+ 15:54 0:00 ps aux
root@instance-0047d230:/# ./stop-services.sh
Used images: