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CIQ Tools - Cryptography

(c)2022-2025 Douglas Robertson

Author: Douglas Robertson (GitHub: douglasr; Garmin Connect: dbrobert)


Access to built-in cryptography libraries was included in the Connect IQ SDK 3.0.0. However, the code for a simple encryption/decryption is not necessarily easy due to the nature of cryptography. This barrel is an attempt to streamline the use of the Connect IQ Cryptography library.


This Connect IQ barrel is licensed under the "MIT License", which essentially means that while the original author retains the copyright to the original code, you are free to do whatever you'd like with this code (or any derivative of it). See the LICENSE.txt file for complete details.

Using the Barrel

This project cannot be used on it's own; it is designed to be included in existing projects.

Include the Barrel

Download the barrel file (and associated debug.xml) and include it in your project. See Shareable Libraries on the Connect IQ Developer site for more details.

Encrypting & Decrypting

The barrel currently only supports encrypting/decrypting with the AES128 cipher using ECB mode (additional functionally to be added to the barrel at some point); this necessitates a cipher of 16 bytes in length.

Cipher Key

The process of encrypting and then decrypting requires a cipher key. If the encrypt/decrypt is done solely on the Garmin device, then the easiest, and perhaps safest, cipher key to use is the device's unique identifier. The encryption function expects the cipher to be a ByteArray so the library includes a function to convert the cipher string to a properly sized ByteArray.

var uniqueID = System.getDeviceSettings().uniqueIdentifier
var cipherKey = CIQToolsCryptography.stringToCipherKey(uniqueID);

NOTE: The stringToCipherKey() function will truncate the cipher string as needed but will not pad the string if it is too short.


A string is easily encrypted, using the cipher key ByteArray.

var plainText = "Monkey C is great!";
var encryptedString = CIQToolsCryptography.encrypt(plainText, cipherKey);


The process of decrypting is equally simple.

var plainText = CIQToolsCryptography.decrypt(encryptedString, cipherKey);


Please see the file for details on how contribute.
