Giving users a fast and easy way to track their money is important, but allowing them to access that information at any time is even more important. Having offline functionality is paramount to the success of an application that handles users’ financial information.
PWD that offers offline access and functionality. The user will be able to add expenses and deposits to their budget with or without a connection. If the user enters transactions offline, the total should be updated when they're brought back online. Project is deployed to heroku
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Service workers
- Web Manifest
- JavaScript
- When the user inputs an expense or deposit, then they will receive a notification that they have added an expense or deposit.
- When the user reestablishes an internet connection, then the deposits or expenses added while they were offline are added to their transaction history and their totals are updated.
You can view this application using the following link: Deployed App
To test the application performance follow these steps:
To check if this application works in an offline mode, open "Chrome DevTools" and click on the "Network" tab. Find "Throttling" drop-down, and select "Offline". Now try adding and subtracting funds through the application. Cashes of the browser and IndexedDB allow us to use this application without network connectivity.
You can install the application on your desktop or mobile device by following these steps:
- At the top right of the address bar, click install "+".
- Follow the onscreen instructions to intall PWA.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please first open an issue to discuss what you would like to change.
Please see below for the screenshot of homepage:
Please use the following link to view the deployed application on heroku: Deployed App
If you have any questions please use the following two links to contact me: