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ExcelLabs is an Excel Helper library written in C#.
This tool provides a C# based solution to create Excel files without complex queries. This package supports Android, iOS, Linux, macOS and Windows.
PM> Install-Package Excel.Labs
> dotnet add package Excel.Labs
- Fixed issue where temp files were shareable and not deleted on close
- SaveFileWithCleanXmlText, CleanTextForXml and ColumnIndexToColumnLetter functions added
public class Cellx
public int RowIndex { get; set; }
public string ColumnName { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
1. Create a Cell List
2. Add Some Data
3. Call SaveFile Function
Optionals with June 2024 v3.0.3 Update
4. Call XML-safe SaveFileWithCleanXmlText Function
5. Call CleanTextForXml to clean not-allowed XML characters
6. Call ColumnIndexToColumnLetter to Convert integer to Excel Column Letter like 1 to A
string title = "Excel Labs NuGet";
string sheetName = "Simple and Fast";
string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
// 1. create a cell list
List<Cellx> cells = new List<Cellx>();
// 2. values as an array
List<string> languages = new List<string>() {
"Java", // A
"C#", // B
"Javascript", // C
"Swift", // D
"Php", // E
"Python", // F
"Go", // G
"Swift", // H
"", // I
"", // J
"", // K
"Objective-C", // L
"C++", // M
"F#", // N
"2024 June" // O
foreach (string lang in languages)
// no column name for ordered columns
cells.Add(new Cellx(1, lang));
// 3. single value with column name
cells.Add(new Cellx(2, "Fortran", "A"));
cells.Add(new Cellx(2, "Cobol", "D"));
cells.Add(new Cellx(2, "Pascal", "I"));
// 4. single value without column name
cells.Add(new Cellx(3, "Visual Studio"));
cells.Add(new Cellx(3, "Webstorm"));
cells.Add(new Cellx(3, "Xcode"));
cells.Add(new Cellx(3, "Notepad"));
// call save function
ExcelLabs.SaveFile(title, path, sheetName, cells);
// call safe save function
ExcelLabs.SaveFileWithCleanXmlText(title, path, sheetName, cells);
// clean not-allowed XML characters
string safeToWriteText = ExcelLabs.CleanTextForXml(title + " safe");
Console.WriteLine("Safe text: " + safeToWriteText);
// convert integer to Excel Column Letter like 1 to A
string excelColumnLetter1 = ExcelLabs.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(1);
Console.WriteLine("1 to column letter: " + excelColumnLetter1); // A
// convert integer to Excel Column Letter like 1 to G
string excelColumnLetter7 = ExcelLabs.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(7);
Console.WriteLine("7 to column letter: " + excelColumnLetter7); // G
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Excel Labs is released under the MIT license.