The Nature Conservancy Fisheries Monitoring
Team: Classifying Nemo
- Network: trained YOLO v2 (you only look once) convolutional network
- Basic weights: were downloaded from
- Dataset: the given training set plus extra images from imagenet and internet
- Data augmentation: almost all the images were recursive augmented by
- rotation,
- crop and move,
- adding white noise,
- horizontal flipping,
- scaling (incorporated in the training pipeline)
Detector is based on the modified Darkflow framework.
- darkflow/test - folder for the test images (stage 1)
- darkflow/test_stg2 - folder for the test images (stage 2)
- darkflow/test/out/output_converter.m - the file that converts the network output to CSV for submission and does fine tuning (needs matlab)
- darkflow/test_stg2/out/output_converter2.m - the file that converts the network output to CSV for submission and does fine tuning (needs matlab)
- darkflow/test_stg2/out/output_converter_pseudo_label.m - could be used for pesudo-labelling (needs matlab)
- darkflow/yolo-KFM_1.weights - weights for the first model (only two were allowed to upload)
- darkflow/yolo-KFM_2.weights - weights for the second model (only two were allowed to upload)
- darkflow/yolo-KFM_extra.weights - weights were obtained with extra training (not uploaded)
- extras/im_test3.m - needs for manual classifying images (shows an image and buttons to copy the image to a class folder)
- extras/aughmenter_yolo.m - makes augmented data from the training set (from json files)
- extras/aughmenter_yolo1.m - makes augmented data from the training set (from txt (label) files)
- extras/kfm_converter_labels.m - converts json labels to YOLO format
- extras/ - slightly modified labeller (needs python)
- extras/auyolo_test2.m - augments test images to improve quality of predictions
- extras/output_converter2aug.m - the file that converts the network output (from augmented set) to CSV for submission and does fine tuning (needs matlab)
- extras/dir.mat - supplementary for the converter above
The network was trained in Darknet.
You should compile the framework before usage. I recommend to change the hard path to cuda in Makefile to $(CUDA_HOME) In addition add a couple of env. variables (with the correct path in your machine):
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64
You should configure Yolo. All the relevant files are in the folder training. Simple put them to Darknet folder.
Example of the traning command (with pretrained weights) on the first two GPUs:
./darknet detector train data/ yolo-KFM.cfg darknet19_448.conv.23 -gpus 0,1
Here and here you can find very nice guidlines about training YOLO.
- Convert labels for the given training set by kfm_converter_labels.m
- Augment the trainng data with aughmenter_yolo.m
- Add extra images and label them by
- Augment the extra data with aughmenter_yolo2.m
Or simple download the whole training dataset
- Download this repo; download the weights and put them to the darkflow folder
- Put the test images (stg1) to the folder darkflow/test. Note that the number of the files should be exact divided by 16. Hence, for 1000 test images there are extra (fake) 8 images. Do not delete them!
- Run darkflow/ to start prediction for the model #
- Run darkflow/test/out/output_converter.m to convert predictions from the step 2 to CSV file. Note likelhoods fine tuning: gain 1.2, threshold 0.1
- Done!
- Put the test images (stg2) to the folder darkflow/test_stg2. Note that the number of the files should be exact divided by 16. Hence, for 12153 test images there are extra (fake) 7 images. Do not delete them!
- Run darkflow/ to start prediction for the model #
- Run darkflow/test_stg2/out/output_converter2.m to convert predictions to CSV file. Note that the converter merges the previous stage last.csv file with the second stage predictions. You may run them sequentially, but the first stage result does not affect the second one. Note likelhoods fine tuning: gain 0.75, threshold 0.4
- Done!
You may improve the quality of detection by augmenting test images.
- Run the converter auyolo_test2.m in he folder with test images. Note by default it does rotation and flipping, but you can also do cropping and white noise adding.
- Follow the pipelines above, only use output_converter2aug.m, dir.mat for conversion predictions to CSV file