MOvie Booking and LIsting Management Application (MOBLIMA) MOBLIMA is an application to computerize the processes of making online booking and purchase of movie tickets, listing of movies and sale reporting. It will be used by the movie- goers and cinema staff.
- Create/Update/Remove movie listing
- Create/Update/Remove cinema showtimes and the movies to be shown
- Search/List movie for showtimes
- Create Booking
- Check seat availability and selection of seat/s.
- Print booking purchase invoice
- Check Booking status or booking history
- Print sale revenue report by movie, cinema and period (eg day or month)
- Configure system settings
(1) This is a single-user application and there is no need to consider concurrent access. (2) THREE cineplexes will be created for demonstration. (3) The currency will be in Singapore Dollar (SGD) and inclusive of Good and Services Tax (GST). (4) A simple login for cinema staff is sufficed. (5) Payment will always be successful. (6) There is no need to interface with external system, eg Payment, printer, etc. (7) Senior citizen can be purchased online without validation of identity or age. The validation will be done upon entering the cinema.