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Set Phasers to: Brunch

An app skeleton for Brunch.


Brunch builds your app (compiles and concatenates scripts, etc.) and is fast at doing it. Set Phasers to: Brunch seeds your app structure, including a JavaScript game framework: Phaser. It also provides a tiny example app to illustrate how things are hooked together, including tests.


Getting started


Additionally, phantomjs, stylus, and styledocco should be installed globally to make their executables available (for tests and style guide):

npm install -g phantomjs-prebuilt stylus styledocco

Create a project with this skeleton

brunch new [optional-output-dir] gh:drakes/set-phasers-to-brunch

Build, run tests, and launch a server

brunch watch --server

Editing changes should be picked up by brunch automatically in "watch" mode and recompiled, etc., including re-running tests on script changes.

To view the app browse to: http://localhost:3333/


Set Phasers to: Brunch is © Scott Drake and available under the MIT license.