This repo contains the programs I created for the final project in METEO 498 at Penn State University (Spring 2014).
In it's current form, the only file in the project simply populates a MySQL database with all the key weather statistics from the PSU Co-op station (1896 to present). At the current time, this only goes from 1-1-1896 to 3-31-2014, though it could easily be modified to go process any number of dates.
Currently, the following 5 entries are added, if available, for each day:
- High Temperature
- Low Temperature
- Amount of Liquid Precipitation
- Amount of Solid Precipitation (i.e. Snow/Sleet/Hail)
- Snow Depth
As mentioned in the project code, the basic framework for this project comes from another project on my Github, psusnowdepth.