*** This project has been merged into react-spring: https://github.com/drcmda/react-spring
*** Changes and bugfixes will go there instead.
A springy, composable parallax-scroller for React.
npm install react-springy-parallax --save
Demo: http://react-springy-parallax.surge.sh
Simple example: http://react-springy-parallax-simple.surge.sh
Example source: https://github.com/drcmda/react-springy-parallax/blob/master/example/index.js
More complex example: https://github.com/drcmda/awv3node-homepage (the one in the thumbnail)
How to use
import Parallax from 'react-springy-parallax'
// Pages determines the total height of the inner content container
// Each page takes 100% height of the visible outer container by default
<Parallax ref='parallax' pages={3}>
// Add as many layers as you like
// Page offset, or where the layer will be at when scrolled to
// 0 means start, 1 second page, 1.5 second and half, and so on ...
    // Parallax factor, allows for positive and negative values
// Shifts the layer up or down in accordance to its offset
<span>Layers can contain anything</span>
Can the effect be configured or muted?
Yes, you can use anything the Animated library offers: http://browniefed.com/react-native-animation-book
import Animated from 'animated/lib/targets/react-dom'
import Easing from 'animated/lib/Easing'
effect={(animation, toValue) =>
Animated.timing(animation, { toValue, duration: 200, easing: Easing.elastic(2) })}
... >
Or a zero timer for a tame, old-school parallax:
effect={(animation, toValue) =>
Animated.timing(animation, { toValue, duration: 0 })}
Is it possible disable the scroll bar for custom page navigation?
Yes. In this mode it will also make sure window-resize retains the last page seen.
You can always use scrollTo
, scroll bar or not, there is no restriction.
ref={ref => this.parallax = ref}
... >
<div onClick={() => this.parallax.scrollTo(1)}>
Click to get to the next page
Does it scroll horizontally as well?
Sure does.
<Parallax horizontal ... >