The core packages of the gospecfunc suite are written in pure Go. Installation is done using go get.
go get -u
Bessel and related functions:
Function | Domain | Description |
Ai | ℂ | Airy Ai function |
Aix | ℂ | Exponentially scaled Airy Ai function |
Aid | ℂ | First derivative of the Airy Ai function |
Aidx | ℂ | Exponentially scaled first derivative of the Airy Ai function |
Bi | ℂ | Biry Bi function |
Bix | ℂ | Exponentially scaled Biry Bi function |
Bid | ℂ | First derivative of the Biry Bi function |
Bidx | ℂ | Exponentially scaled first derivative of the Biry Bi function |
Gi | ℝ | Modified Airy Gi function |
Hi | ℝ | Modified Airy Hi function |
I | ℂ | Modified Bessel function of the first kind |
J | ℂ | Bessel function of the first kind |
K | ℂ | Modified Bessel function of the second kind |
Y | ℂ | Bessel function of the second kind |
H1 | ℂ | Hankel fucntion of of the first kind |
H2 | ℂ | Hankel fucntion of of the second kind |
The error function and related functions:
Function | Domain | Description |
Erf | ℂ | Error function |
Erfc | ℂ | Complementary error function 1 - Erf(ζ) |
Erfcx | ℂ | Scaled complementary error function exp(ζ²) Erfc(ζ) |
Erfi | ℂ | Imaginary error function -i erf(iζ) |
Dawson | ℂ | Dawson's function. The one-sided Fourier–Laplace sine transform of the Gaussian function |
Fresnel | ℂ | Cos and Sin Fresnel integrals |
Voigt | ℝ | Real and imaginary Voigt functions 𝖴(x,t) and 𝖵(x,t) |
Faddeyeva | ℂ | Plasma dispersion Faddeyeva function exp(-ζ²) Erfc(-iζ) |
Integrals of special functions and special integral functions:
Function | Domain | Description |
Abramowitz | ℝ | Abramowitz functions of order 0,1 and 2 |
Clausen | ℝ | Clausen's integral |
Debye | ℝ | Debye functions of order 1,2,3 and 4 |
Goodst | ℝ | Goodst functions |
Lobach | ℝ | Lobachewsky function |
Strom | ℝ | Stromgren's integral |
Synch | ℝ | Synchrotron radiation function or order 1 and 2 |
Transport | ℝ | Transport integrals of order 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 |
Struve | ℝ | Struve function of order 0 and 1 |
StruveModified | ℝ | Modified Struve function of order 0 and 1 |
AtnInt | ℝ | Inverse-tangent integral |
Exp3 | ℝ | Exponential integral ∫ exp(-t³) dt |
I0Int | ℝ | Integral of the modified Bessel function of the first kind order 0 |
J0Int | ℝ | Integral of the Bessel function of the first kind order 0 |
Y0Int | ℝ | Integral of the Bessel function of the second kind order 0 |
K0Int | ℝ | Integral of the modified Bessel function of the second kind order 0 |
AiInt | ℝ | Integral of the the Airy function Ai |
BiInt | ℝ | Integral of the the Biry function Bi |
go test ./*/.
go test -bench=. ./*/.
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