I'm a software engineering student at the University of Zurich (UZH), currently working toward my bachelor's degree. In my free time, I love to code and contribute to projects that spark my interest – whether it's creating mods and supplements for games, building helpful applications and frameworks, or writing guides to make life just a bit easier.
Below are a few repositories I'm especially proud of:
- CLIBB: A Python library that streamlines, simplifies, and speeds up command-line interface creation.
- ARES: An artillery computer for the video game Arma 3.
- UZH: A collaborative effort by 11 students at UZH, offering extra resources and sample solutions for course assignments.
🔗 You can find all my publicly available projects here!
Here are a few guides I've published:
- How to Publish Your Python Package to PyPI
- Linux File Permissions Tutorial
- How to Access LUKS-Encrypted Drives on Windows
🔗 Check out all my gists here!
Below is a snapshot of my GitHub stats based on my public contributions: