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Command tag proposal

Ruffina Koza edited this page Oct 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

Two approaches to implementing custom command, where displayed part is different from the action (and echoed command):

1. [cmd] tag

Source: [cmd=quest $1,see=13,nonce=r4U78eAa]


<span class="manip-cmd manip-ed" data-action="quest 13" data-echo="квест 13">13</span>

C++ usage example:

string lineFormat = "[" + web_cmd(ch, "cs web $1", "%5d") + "] ... \r\n";
buf << dlprintf(lineFormat.c_str(), id, ...) << endl;

Fenia usage example:

header = "[{w" + .webcmd(ch, "quest $1", "%3d") + "{w]     %-40s %-20s\n";

ch.act(header, 13, "Охота на ведьм", "Шабаш");

2. tags


<cmd c='quest $1' l='13' nonce='r4U78eAa'>13</cmd>


<span class="manip-cmd manip-ed" data-action="quest 13" data-echo="квест 13">13</span>

C++ usage example: same as above.

string lineFormat = "[" + web_cmd(ch, "cs web $1", "%5d") + "] ... \r\n";
buf << dlprintf(lineFormat.c_str(), id, ...) << endl;

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