NOTE: This package will currently only work if you're on the same network as your Hue base station.
npm install philips-hue-api --save
var Hue = require('philips-hue-api'),
hue = Hue('http://192.168.x.x/api/your_username');
hue.lights(1).on(); // Turns on light number 1.
var Hue = require('philips-hue-api'),
hue = Hue('username', '', 'my-amazing-password');
hue.authenticate().then(function(lights) {
list() - Asynchronous function that returns the available lights (as JSON) for the current bridge.
Hue('http://192.168.x.x/api/username/').lights().list(function(error, lights) {
off() - Turns off the specified light.
on() - Turns on the specified light.
breathe() - Causes the specified light to perform a breath cycle (transition to a higher brightness, then lower brightness, then back).
hue(int) - Sets the hue (color) of the specified lights (between 0 and 65535). Both 0 and 65535 are red, 25500 is green and 46920 is blue.
color(string) - Helper function for setting the hue of the specified light. Can be: red, orange, yellow, green, white, blue, purple, magenta, or pink.
saturation(int) - Sets the saturation of the specified light. 254 is the most saturated (colored) and 0 is the least saturated (white).
brightness(int) - Sets the brightness of the specified light (between 1 and 254). 1 is the darkest and 254 is the brightest.
colorTemperature(int) - Sets the color temperature of the specified light (between 153 and 500). 153 is 6500K, 500 is 2000K.
var Hue = require('philips-hue-api'),
hue = Hue("[your-username]", "[your-email]", "[your-password]");
hue.authenticate().then(function(lights) {
var Hue = require('philips-hue-api'),
hue = Hue("[your-username]", "[your-email]", "[your-password]");
hue.authenticate().then(function(lights) {
var Hue = require('philips-hue-api'),
hue = Hue("[your-username]", "[your-email]", "[your-password]");
hue.authenticate().then(function(lights) {