the purpose of this project is to allow you to maintain questionnaires on your rails 3 app.
The goal is to allow the questionnaire to be:
flexible (able to change with time)
able to gather data about the user’s characteristics
able to score the user’s characteristics
gem 'survey_says', :git => 'git://'
move assets into your app
rails generate survey_says
move models into your app
rails generate survey_models
add PAPERCLIP_STORAGE_OPTS to environments/*.rb
for example:
PAPERCLIP_STORAGE_OPTS = { :styles => {:mini => '48x48>', :small => '100x100>', :product => '320x320>', :large => '600x600>' }, :default_style => :product, :url => "/assets/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension", :path => ":rails_root/public/assets/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension" }
Edit the user.rb in your app:
has_many :user_answers has_many :answers, :through => :user_answers acts_as_survey_says def survey_admin? true # add code here... return true for users that can add/edit the survey information end
bundle exec rake survey_says_engine:install:migrations
Clone the engine:
git clone
gem install bundler
bundle install
rake db:migrate
cd test/dummy/
rake db:test:prepare
cd ../..
rake test
Start making edits…