This repository contains a Notes App Project developed using the Django Framework.
Every User can create, edit, and delete Notes after creating an account in the app.
this is a example image of the Login page of the Note App :
this is a example image of the Main page of the Note App :
Download the project first using this cmd :
git clone
Once the project is downloaded, navigate into the project directory:
cd Django-Note-App
Before running the project, make sure you have Python and Django installed on your system. You can install Django using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, you'll need to apply migrations to set up the database schema:
python makemigrations
python migrate
Creating static folder:
python collectstatic
Creating Superuser (Optionel):
python createsuperuser
After the migrations are applied successfully, you can start the development server:
python runserver
The development server will start, and you can access the Blog Project by navigating to
in your web browser.
Add an email with password in file, this email will be the sender of the reset password link to the users.
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'Write Your Email Here'
The User can Register, Login, reset password by sending a reset link to the user email.
The User can create, modify amd delete any note.
In this Application, I'm using sqlite as DataBase.
reset password pages are not good styling. (you can style theme with create css file or modify the css file and add a specific code for these pages).
Feel free to explore the project and customize it according to your requirements. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!"