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This Repo contains a Deep Learning project, 'Obstacle Detection with Alert System for the Visually Impaired Using Deep Learning and Node-Red'

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Obstacles Detection and Alert System for Visually Impaired

Using Deep Learning and Node-RED


This project introduces a robust solution to assist visually impaired individuals in navigating their environment using an obstacle detection and alert system. The system combines:

  • Deep Learning Models: A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained from scratch and fine-tuned MobileNetV2 for obstacle classification.
  • Alert System: Real-time audio feedback using Node-RED, integrated with a Flask API to process predictions.

Read The Scientific Paper to know more.


  • Custom-trained deep learning models for obstacle classification.
  • Real-time alerts through audio guidance for identified obstacles.
  • Flask API for model prediction and integration with Node-RED for automation.

Dataset Description

The dataset is a custom-built collection created by merging several publicly available datasets and scraping additional images of common obstacles to ensure comprehensive coverage of real-world scenarios. It includes 10 distinct classes, each representing a type of obstacle frequently encountered by visually impaired individuals.

Those some image from the dataset :


  1. Chair
  2. Door
  3. Fence
  4. Garbage Bin
  5. Obstacle (e.g., pole, traffic cone, fire hydrant)
  6. Plant
  7. Pothole
  8. Stairs
  9. Table
  10. Vehicle

Class Distribution in Training set : Class Distribution in Training set

Class Distribution in Testing set : Class Distribution in Testing set

This is the obstacles dataset used in the project : Dataset Link

Prerequisites to Getting Started

Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Python 3.8+ with pip (Python package manager)
  • NPM (package manager)
  • Node.js and Node-RED
  • Python Libraries : Flask, OpenCV, requests, torch, torchvision, pillow

Running the System

Clone the Repository

git clone  
cd Obstacle-Detection-with-Alert-System-for-Visually-Impaired 

1. Running the Flask API

The Flask API serves as the backend for processing images and returning obstacle classifications.


  1. Navigate to the api directory:
    cd api  
  2. Start the Flask server:
  3. The API will start running at

2. Setting Up and Running Node-RED

The Node-RED flow is responsible for integrating the API predictions with the alert system.


  1. Install Node-RED globally if you haven’t already:

    npm install -g node-red
  2. Launch Node-RED: Run Node-red in 'python obstacle detecting' Folder to be able to use videos and images


Download FFmpeg

FFmpeg is required for processing video and extracting frames. Follow these steps to install FFmpeg on Windows: Let's install FFmpeg:

  1. Windows:

    • Download FFmpeg from
    • Get the "ffmpeg-git-full.7z" version
    • Extract it
    • Add the bin folder to your System PATH:
      1. Open System Properties → Advanced → Environment Variables
      2. Under System Variables, find "Path"
      3. Click Edit → New
      4. Add the full path to FFmpeg's bin folder (e.g., C:\ffmpeg\bin)
  2. Linux:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install ffmpeg
  3. Mac:

    brew install ffmpeg

After installation:

  1. Restart your computer (to ensure PATH changes take effect)
  2. Restart Node-RED

To verify FFmpeg is installed correctly, open a terminal/command prompt and type:

ffmpeg -version

3. Install Node-RED Nodes

You may need to install additional nodes for video processing and object detection. Follow these steps to install the required nodes:

  1. In the Node-RED editor, click on the Menu (top-right corner) and select Manage palette.

  2. Go to the Install tab and search for the following nodes, then click Install:

    • node-red-node-ffmpeg: Provides FFmpeg functionality.
    • node-red-contrib-ffmpeg: Includes FFmpeg-related nodes for video and image handling.
    • node-red-node-ui_audio: For audio output if required.

4. Import the Flow

  1. In the Node-RED editor, click the Menu (top-right corner), then select Import.
  2. Paste the flow JSON provided and click Import to add the flow to your workspace.

5. Configure FFmpeg Path in Node-RED

Ensure that FFmpeg is correctly configured in your Node-RED flow:

  1. If the ffmpeg node asks for the FFmpeg path, provide the path where FFmpeg is installed. For example, C:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe.

6. Test the Flow

  1. Once everything is set up, click the Deploy button to deploy your flow.
  2. Use the inject node to input a video or image for processing.
  3. Check the Debug tab to view the object detection results and any other outputs.

7. Open the Node-RED Interface

  • Navigate to to access the Node-RED editor.
  • Open the Node-RED dashboard at

8. Import the Flow File

  1. Import the provided Node-RED flow file (Node-Red-flows.json):
    • Click on the Menu (top-right corner) → Import.
    • choose the json file Node-Red-flows.json and click Deploy.

This is What will appear to you :


9. Ensure Flask API and Alerts Integration

Ensure that the Node-RED flow triggers the Flask API and processes responses for the audio alerts.

Warning :

  • Run Node-red in 'python obstacle detecting' Folder to be able to use videos and images,
  • if you want to change the image to predict, go to inject image node, double click, change the path of the image
  • if you want to change the video to predict, go to Start FFmpeg node, double click, chnage the path of the video : "'-i', 'vid1.mp4'"
  • To run the audio while predicting, the Node-RED dashboard ( must be opened, and Item like button must be added to open the dashboard

This is the content of the flow :

  1. Inject Image: The flow begins with an image being injected (inject image), which will load an image (imgs/img1.jpg) and pass it to the Load image node.

  2. Load Image: This node reads the image file, sending it as a payload to the next function.

  3. Convert the Image: The convert the img function prepares the image by converting it into a multipart/form-data format suitable for making an HTTP POST request.

  4. Predict Obstacle: The image is sent to an HTTP request node (predict obstacle) for processing at the endpoint http://localhost:5000/predict. The result will be passed to the next function.

  5. Process Prediction: The result from the prediction (predicted_class and predicted_probability) is processed to display an appropriate message (e.g., “A 'car' has been detected!!” if the probability is above 0.8, otherwise “probability is low the 0.8”).

  6. Audio Output: If a prediction is made, an audio message (play audio) is triggered to read out the detected class.

  7. FFmpeg Video Processing: The flow includes the process video and Frame Processor nodes, which handle video frames. The Start FFmpeg node triggers FFmpeg to start processing video (vid1.mp4), converting frames to images, which are then analyzed for objects.

  8. Debug Nodes: There are several debug nodes in the flow that allow you to view the output in the sidebar (predicted class, ffmpeg status), which help with troubleshooting.

  9. Stop FFmpeg: If needed, the Stop FFmpeg node can be triggered to stop FFmpeg from processing the video.

This flow is designed to handle both image and video input, process them with FFmpeg, make predictions via an HTTP request, and output the result as both text and audio.


  • FFmpeg Issues: If FFmpeg isn't processing frames correctly, verify that FFmpeg is installed and added to your system’s PATH. You can test FFmpeg by running ffmpeg -version in Command Prompt.

  • Missing Nodes: If any nodes are missing, you can install them using the Palette Manager in the Node-RED editor.

  • Audio Output Issues: Ensure the ui_audio node is correctly configured for your audio setup and that your system has audio output enabled.

Project Structure

├── imgs/  
├── Obstacles Imgs Example/  
├── api/  
│   ├──                 # Flask API for predictions 
│   ├── Fine-Tuned MobileNetV2 model
├── python obstacle detecting/  # you can test the model on videos or images using Python
│   ├──        # script to use the model in video prediction 
│   ├──        # script to use the model in image prediction 
│   ├── imgs/                   # use those imgs for prediction
│   ├── vid1.mp4
│   ├── vid2.mp4
│   ├── vid3.mp4
├── Node-Red-flows.json         # Node-RED flow configuration 
├── Research Paper.pdf          # Research Paper
└──                   # Project documentation 

More Informations:

  • In 'Python obstacles detecting' Folder you can test the model on videos or images, just run the python code, and make sure that the API is running

For image:

For Video:

  • Notebooks Folder, Contains How I train the CNN from Scratch, and How I Fine-tune MobileNetV2 :

CNN Architucture:

MobileNetV2 Architucture:

  • To run the audio while predicting, the Node-RED dashboard ( must be opened, and Item like button must be added to open the dashboard

References :

  1. Mark Sandler Andrew Howard Menglong Zhu Andrey Zhmoginov Liang-Chieh Chen. MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks. Google Inc
  2. Yahia Said, Mohamed Atri, Marwan Ali Albahar, Ahmed Ben Atitallah and Yazan Ahmad Alsariera: Obstacle Detection System for Navigation Assistance of Visually Impaired People Based on Deep Learning Techniques
  3. O’Shea, Keiron, and Ryan Nash. An Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.08458, 2015.
  4. Simonyan, Karen, and Andrew Zisserman. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.1556, 2014.
  5. What is MobileNetV2?, Analytics Vidhya
  6. Node-RED Documentation.
  7. Albawi, Saad, et al. Understanding of a Convolutional Neural Network. Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET), IEEE, 2017.
  8. Deng, Jia, et al. ImageNet: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Image Database. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE, 2009.
  9. Shorten, Connor, and Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar. A Survey on Image Data Augmentation for Deep Learning. Journal of Big Data, 6(1), 2019.

Realized by:

  • Khattabi Idriss
  • Boufarhi Ayman

Under the supervision of Mr. Faouzi TAYALATI

This was a Deep Learning and Transfer Learning Module Project - Master of AI and Data Sceince.

FST Tanger - Morocco