Welcome to the crypto trader bot for the binance. My intention was to be my personal bot to make trades based on strategies that I find on the internet. Now I think it could be used for others. As it runs on binance, is important to state that each transaction (not for all pairs) Binance gets 0,1% as tax. To reduce by 25% the tax, you can use BNB in your wallet to pay the taxes.
Without BNB: 0.1% With BNB: 0.075%
The bot was made with Typescript and I design it to be very modular. My main goal was to provide a bot that could receive new strategies and indicators to be used in the intelligence of the decisions.
Every strategy is designed to receive an update and make a decision over it, so the bot can be very precisely and consistently. To implement a new strategy would be only needed to follow the interface and let the bot do the rest. The bot can have two states:
- Bought: if you have the target coin
- Empty: If you have not bought the coin
You can set manually the state or let the bot decide which state to start. It checks of the last order of the pair.
When a strategy emits a BUY/SELL order, the bot will create an order and check if it is filled by 5 times with 5s interval, 25 seconds. If it is not filled, the bot cancels the order and waits for the next BUY/SELL event. If the strategy still says to BUY/SELL, this process starts again until the bot changes his state to the opposite.
Right now the bot can be configured with 2 strategies: Simple SMA and SMA Crossover.
It connects to Binance using WebSockets, so the bot gets real-time updates about the candles and performs decisions over these updates.
- Refactor the setup of the bot to be more friendly.
- Create strategies to simulate orders and stop-loss orders.
- Improve the way the bot handles the monitoring of an open order.
Would like to talk? Feel free to contact me.
- E-mail: ruan.fer.gui@gmail
- Linkedin: Ruan Ferreira
Would like to make a donation? My wallet: 0xDBdE9621d01D72c69aB60FaC73EDf93F735C54f6