Python interface to pinoccio API and ScoutScript commands
Pynoccio is a set of python classes which allows python programs to connect to the Pinoccio server at and execute ScoutScript commands and Pinoccio API calls. An attempt was made to keep the python commands similar to the ScoutScript commands they emulate. For example, to receive a report of the digital i/o pin states in HQ you would execute the ScoutScript command In Pynoccio you would use the command where scout is a Scout object obtained from account.troops API call.
Pynoccio uses the "requests" HTTP library available at
Three example programs are supplied to show how to use
testSS executes most of the SS commands that don't affect the networking features of the Pinoccio. You can test the mesh and wifi network states but commands that might cause you scout to be unable to talk are commented out.
usage: testSS [options] user password options:
-t troup name -s scout name
user/password is your login info.
specifies the name of troop you want to connect to while is the name of a Scout in that Troop. There are some defaults built into the program that you'll probably want to change.
execSS executes one or more ScoutScript commands. The standard command line parameters and options are the same as in testSS.
usage: execSS [options] user password command command ... options:
-t troup name -s scout name
pin_stream executes either the pinoccio stream comman sync or stat. The only way to exit the program is to kill it.
usage: pin_stream [options] user password [command] options:
-t troup name -s scout name