An interpreted programming language prototype made for tabletop games.
- 16-bit integer arithmetic
- Dice throw
- Function definition
- Register management
- If statement
- While statement
- Comments
- Debugging
- Terminal arguments
- String management
- Input handling
- Dice and function distribution
whist-lang.exe read line "tell -> ...;"
whist-lang.exe read file
let [throw] <- 1d6;
let [sum] <- integer [throw];
while | integer [throw] = 6 |:
set [throw] <- 1d6;
set [sum] <- integer [sum] + integer [throw];
out -> integer [sum];
tell -> integer [EXPLODING_DICE];
let [n] <- 16;
# A function that computes the fibonacci sequence up to the `n`th value.
define [FIBONACCI]:
let [a] <- 0;
let [b] <- 1;
let [i] <- 0;
while | integer [i] < integer [n] |:
tell -> integer [a];
let [c] <- integer [a] + integer [b];
set [a] <- integer [b];
set [b] <- integer [c];
set [i] <- integer [i] + 1;
out -> ...;
tell -> void [FIBONACCI];