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dscbot edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 2 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
ConfigurationPath Key String This can be either an IIS configuration path in the format computername/webroot/apphost, or the IIS module path in this format IIS:\sites\Default Web Site.
Extension Key String The file extension to map such as .html or .xml.
MimeType Key String The MIME type to map that extension to such as text/html.
Ensure Required String Ensures that the MIME type mapping is Present or Absent. Present, Absent


The IisMimeTypeMapping DSC resource is used to...


  • Target machine must be running Windows Server 2012 R2 or later.

Known issues

All issues are not listed here, see here for all open issues.


Example 1

configuration Sample_IisMimeTypeMapping_RemoveVideo
        # Target nodes to apply the configuration
        [String[]] $NodeName = 'localhost',

        # Name of the website to modify
        [String] $WebSiteName

    # Import the module that defines custom resources
    Import-DscResource -Module WebAdministrationDsc, PSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node $NodeName
        # Install the IIS role
        WindowsFeature IIS
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name   = 'Web-Server'

        # Remove a bunch of Video Mime Type mappings
        IisMimeTypeMapping Mp2
            Ensure            = 'Absent'
            Extension         = '.mp2'
            MimeType          = 'video/mpeg'
            ConfigurationPath = "IIS:\sites\$WebSiteName"
            DependsOn         = '[WindowsFeature]IIS'

        IisMimeTypeMapping Mp4
            Ensure            = 'Absent'
            Extension         = '.mp4'
            MimeType          = 'video/mp4'
            ConfigurationPath = "IIS:\sites\$WebSiteName"
            DependsOn         = '[WindowsFeature]IIS'

        IisMimeTypeMapping Mpeg
            Ensure            = 'Absent'
            Extension         = '.mpeg'
            MimeType          = 'video/mpeg'
            ConfigurationPath = "IIS:\sites\$WebSiteName"
            DependsOn         = '[WindowsFeature]IIS'

        # we only allow the mpg Video extension on our server
        IisMimeTypeMapping Mpg
            Ensure            = 'Present'
            Extension         = '.mpg'
            MimeType          = 'video/mpeg'
            ConfigurationPath = "IIS:\sites\$WebSiteName"
            DependsOn         = '[WindowsFeature]IIS'