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Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Path Key String The path to the archive file that should be expanded to or removed from the specified destination.
Destination Key String The path where the specified archive file should be expanded to or removed from.
Ensure Write String Specifies whether or not the expanded content of the archive file at the specified path should exist at the specified destination. To update the specified destination to have the expanded content of the archive file at the specified path, specify this property as Present. To remove the expanded content of the archive file at the specified path from the specified destination, specify this property as Absent. The default value is Present. Present, Absent
Validate Write Boolean Specifies whether or not to validate that a file at the destination with the same name as a file in the archive actually matches that corresponding file in the archive by the specified checksum method. If the file does not match and Ensure is specified as Present and Force is not specified, the resource will throw an error that the file at the destination cannot be overwritten. If the file does not match and Ensure is specified as Present and Force is specified, the file at the destination will be overwritten. If the file does not match and Ensure is specified as Absent, the file at the destination will not be removed. The default value is false.
Checksum Write String The Checksum method to use to validate whether or not a file at the destination with the same name as a file in the archive actually matches that corresponding file in the archive. An invalid argument exception will be thrown if Checksum is specified while Validate is specified as false. ModifiedDate will check that the LastWriteTime property of the file at the destination matches the LastWriteTime property of the file in the archive. CreatedDate will check that the CreationTime property of the file at the destination matches the CreationTime property of the file in the archive. SHA-1, SHA-256, and SHA-512 will check that the hash of the file at the destination by the specified SHA method matches the hash of the file in the archive by the specified SHA method. The default value is ModifiedDate. SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, CreatedDate, ModifiedDate
Credential Write PSCredential The credential of a user account with permissions to access the specified archive path and destination if needed.
Force Write Boolean Specifies whether or not any existing files or directories at the destination with the same name as a file or directory in the archive should be overwritten to match the file or directory in the archive. When this property is false, an error will be thrown if an item at the destination needs to be overwritten. The default value is false.


Provides a mechanism to expand an archive (.zip) file to a specific path or remove an expanded archive (.zip) file from a specific path on a target node.


  • The System.IO.Compression type assembly must be available on the machine.
  • The System.IO.Compression.FileSystem type assembly must be available on the machine.


Example 1

#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

        Configuration that expands the archive using SHA-256 file validation
        located at 'C:\ExampleArchivePath\' to the destination path

        Since Validate is specified as $true and the Checksum parameter is
        specified as SHA-256, the resource will check if the SHA-256 hash of the
        file in the archive matches the SHA-256 hash of the corresponding file
        at the destination and replace any files that do not match.

        Since Force is specified as $true, the resource will overwrite any
        mismatching files at the destination. If Force is specified as $false,
        the resource will throw an error instead of overwrite any files at the
Configuration xArchive_ExpandArchiveChecksumAndForce_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node localhost
        xArchive Archive1
            Path        = 'C:\ExampleArchivePath\'
            Destination = 'C:\ExampleDestinationPath\Destination'
            Validate    = $true
            Checksum    = 'SHA-256'
            Force       = $true
            Ensure      = 'Present'

Example 2

#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

        Expands the archive using default file validation located at
        'C:\ExampleArchivePath\' to the destination path

        Since Validate is specified as $true and the Checksum parameter is not
        provided, the resource will check if the last write time of the archive
        file matches the last write time of the corresponding file at the
        destination and replace any files that do not match.

        Since Force is specified as $true, the resource will overwrite any
        mismatching files at the destination. If Force is specified as $false,
        the resource will throw an error instead of overwrite any files at the
Configuration xArchive_ExpandArchiveDefaultValidationAndForce_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node localhost
        xArchive Archive2
            Path        = 'C:\ExampleArchivePath\'
            Destination = 'C:\ExampleDestinationPath\Destination'
            Validate    = $true
            Force       = $true
            Ensure      = 'Present'

Example 3

#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

        Expands the archive without file validation located at
        'C:\ExampleArchivePath\' to the destination path

        The resource will only check if the expanded archive files exist at the
        destination. No validation is performed on any existing files at the
        destination to ensure that they match the files in the archive.
Configuration xArchive_ExpandArchiveNoValidation_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node localhost
        xArchive Archive3
            Path        = 'C:\ExampleArchivePath\'
            Destination = 'C:\ExampleDestinationPath\Destination'
            Ensure      = 'Present'

Example 4

#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

        This configuration expands the archive under a credential without file
        validation located at 'C:\ExampleArchivePath\' to
        the destination path 'C:\ExampleDestinationPath\Destination'.

        The added specification of a Credential here allows you to provide the
        credential of a user to provide the resource access to the archive and
        destination paths.

        The resource will only check if the expanded archive files exist at the
        destination. No validation is performed on any existing files at the
        destination to ensure that they match the files in the archive.
Configuration xArchive_ExpandArchiveNoValidationCredential_Config
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node localhost
        xArchive Archive4
            Path        = 'C:\ExampleArchivePath\'
            Destination = 'C:\ExampleDestinationPath\Destination'
            Credential  = $Credential
            Ensure      = 'Present'

Example 5

#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

        This configuration removes an archive with SHA-256 file validation located at
        'C:\ExampleArchivePath\' from the destination path

        Since Validate is specified as $true and the Checksum parameter is
        specified as SHA-256, the resource will check if the SHA-256 hash of the
        file in the archive matches the SHA-256 hash of the corresponding file
        at the destination and will not remove any files that do not match.
Configuration xArchive_RemoveArchiveChecksum_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node localhost
        xArchive Archive5
            Path        = 'C:\ExampleArchivePath\'
            Destination = 'C:\ExampleDestinationPath\Destination'
            Validate    = $true
            Checksum    = 'SHA-256'
            Ensure      = 'Absent'

Example 6

#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

        This configuration removes an archive without file validation located at
        'C:\ExampleArchivePath\' from the destination path

        The resource will only check if the expanded archive files exist at the
        No validation is performed on any existing files at the destination to
        ensure that they match the files in the archive before removing them.
Configuration xArchive_RemoveArchiveNoValidation_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node localhost
        xArchive Archive6
            Path        = 'C:\ExampleArchivePath\'
            Destination = 'C:\ExampleDestinationPath\Destination'
            Ensure      = 'Absent'