- CRF tool Wapiti alternative
- combine above sources for convenience
- add functions to cqdb.c, cqdb.h
int open_cqdb(char* db_path, FILE** fp, cqdb_writer_t** dbw); void close_cqdb(FILE* fp, cqdb_writer_t* dbw); int load_cqdb(char* db_path, char** block, cqdb_t** db); int unload_cqdb(char* block, cqdb_t* db);
- add test programs build_cqdb.c, search_cqdb.c
- use CQDB for fast lookup feature to id
- labeling mode only
- modify quark.c, quark.h, model.c, reader.c, reader.h, options.h, options.c
- remove fatal() in pat_exec()
- version of aclocal, automake, libtoolize, autoheader, autoconf
aclocal (GNU automake) 1.11.1
automake (GNU automake) 1.11.1
libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.2.6b
autoheader (GNU Autoconf) 2.63
autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.63
- command
make install
- Usage
./wapiti train -p ../data/nppattern.txt ../data/nptrain.txt npmodel
[label] - file
./wapiti label -m npmodel -s ../data/nptest.txt nptest.txt.out
[label] - file, using cqdb
rm -rf npmodel.cqdb
./wapiti label -m npmodel -q npmodel.cqdb -s ../data/nptest.txt nptest.txt.out
* be careful
if npmodel.cqdb not exists, create npmodel.cqdb.
if npmodel.cqdb exists, load npmodel.cqdb.
therefore, 'rm -rf npmodel.cqdb' first for sync npmodel with npmodel.cqdb
[label] - line
./test_api npmodel < test.txt
Confidence NN B B 2.154
in IN O O 4.383
the DT B B 6.857
pound NN I I 6.401
is VBZ O O 5.749
widely RB O O 4.075
expected VBN O O 5.823
to TO O O 5.354
take VB O O 4.769
another DT B B 3.915
sharp JJ I I 5.207
dive NN I I 4.537
if IN O O 6.485
trade NN B B 5.647
figures NNS I I 3.444
for IN O O 5.886
September NNP B B 6.540
, , O O 3.573
due JJ O O 4.372
for IN O O 5.148
release NN B B 5.449
tomorrow NN B I 3.280
, , O O 6.205
fail VB O O 3.811
to TO O O 4.987
show VB O O 4.286
a DT B B 4.584
substantial JJ I I 7.425
improvement NN I I 5.843
from IN O O 7.715
July NNP B B 4.780
and CC I O 3.766
August NNP I B 5.370
's POS B B 1.334 # ', comment
near-record JJ I I 4.467
deficits NNS I I 6.043
. . O O 7.700
- Pattern description
U:wrd-2 L=%X[-1,0]/%X[ 0,0]
=> u,U : unigram feature
b,B : bigram feature
* : unigram and bigram feature
=> name : 'wrd-2 L'
=> template : %X[-1,0]/%X[0,0]
(previous position, first column + current position first column)
=> %x,%X : use token string itself as feature
%t : test regular expression. if matched, set true or false
%m : match regular expression. if matched, use first match as feature
ex) nppattern.txt
U:Wrd-1 X=%x[ 0,0]
U:wrd-1 L=%X[-1,0]
U:wrd-1 X=%X[ 0,0]
U:wrd-1 R=%X[ 1,0]
U:wrd-1RR=%X[ 2,0]
U:wrd-2 L=%X[-1,0]/%X[ 0,0]
U:wrd-2 R=%X[ 0,0]/%X[ 1,0]
*:Pos-1 L=%x[-1,1]
*:Pos-1 X=%x[ 0,1]
*:Pos-1 R=%x[ 1,1]
*:Pos-1RR=%x[ 2,1]
U:Pos-2 L=%X[-1,1]/%X[ 0,1]
U:Pos-2 R=%X[ 0,1]/%X[ 1,1]
*:Pre-1 X=%m[ 0,0,"^.?"]
*:Pre-2 X=%m[ 0,0,"^.?.?"]
*:Pre-3 X=%m[ 0,0,"^.?.?.?"]
*:Pre-4 X=%m[ 0,0,"^.?.?.?.?"]
*:Suf-1 X=%m[ 0,0,".?$"]
*:Suf-2 X=%m[ 0,0,".?.?$"]
*:Suf-3 X=%m[ 0,0,".?.?.?$"]
*:Suf-4 X=%m[ 0,0,".?.?.?.?$"]
*:Caps? L=%t[-1,0,"\u"]
*:Caps? X=%t[ 0,0,"\u"]
*:Caps? R=%t[ 1,0,"\u"]
*:AllC? X=%t[ 0,0,"^\u*$"]
*:BegC? X=%t[ 0,0,"^\u"]
*:Punc? L=%t[-1,0,"\p"]
*:Punc? X=%t[ 0,0,"\p"]
*:Punc? R=%t[ 1,0,"\p"]
*:AllP? X=%t[ 0,0,"^\p*$"]
*:InsP? X=%t[ 0,0,".\p."]
*:Numb? L=%t[-1,0,"\d"]
*:Numb? X=%t[ 0,0,"\d"]
*:Numb? R=%t[ 1,0,"\d"]
*:AllN? X=%t[ 0,0,"^\d*$"]
- About CQDB
- string to int(0 ~ (2^31)-1), int to string
- build db
$ wc -l query.txt
11278376 query.txt
$ ./build_cqdb query.db < query.txt
elapsed time = 4.264002 sec
246M 2015-11-05 12:57 query.txt
547M 2015-11-05 13:00 query.db
- search db
$ ./search_cqdb query.db < query.txt > t
elapsed time = 8.970917 sec
$ wc -l t
11278376 t