Detect the shape of drawing objects (classes - line, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, Hexagon, circle) and draw in Augmented Reality. Also mention the shape type along with drawing.
step 3 : Find out the Contours in the edge_detected image & calculate the approximation points using openCV.
Original Caffe Model :
The Github project is :
Download Edge_detection CoreML model(58MB) from : which contains 6 different type of Outputs.
I am using the Side-out of original model (dsn3 output) only to reduce the space complexity.
(virtualenv2.7) C02QP68UG8WP:CoreML creation ashis.laha$ python
================= Starting Conversion from Caffe to CoreML ======================
Layer 0: Type: 'Input', Name: 'input'. Output(s): 'data'.
Ignoring batch size and retaining only the trailing 3 dimensions for conversion.
Layer 1: Type: 'Convolution', Name: 'conv1_1'. Input(s): 'data'. Output(s): 'conv1_1'.
Layer 2: Type: 'ReLU', Name: 'relu1_1'. Input(s): 'conv1_1'. Output(s): 'conv1_1'.
Layer 3: Type: 'Convolution', Name: 'conv1_2'. Input(s): 'conv1_1'. Output(s): 'conv1_2'.
Layer 4: Type: 'ReLU', Name: 'relu1_2'. Input(s): 'conv1_2'. Output(s): 'conv1_2'.
Layer 5: Type: 'Pooling', Name: 'pool1'. Input(s): 'conv1_2'. Output(s): 'pool1'.
Layer 6: Type: 'Convolution', Name: 'conv2_1'. Input(s): 'pool1'. Output(s): 'conv2_1'.
Layer 7: Type: 'ReLU', Name: 'relu2_1'. Input(s): 'conv2_1'. Output(s): 'conv2_1'.
Layer 8: Type: 'Convolution', Name: 'conv2_2'. Input(s): 'conv2_1'. Output(s): 'conv2_2'.
Layer 9: Type: 'ReLU', Name: 'relu2_2'. Input(s): 'conv2_2'. Output(s): 'conv2_2'.
Layer 10: Type: 'Pooling', Name: 'pool2'. Input(s): 'conv2_2'. Output(s): 'pool2'.
Layer 11: Type: 'Convolution', Name: 'conv3_1'. Input(s): 'pool2'. Output(s): 'conv3_1'.
Layer 12: Type: 'ReLU', Name: 'relu3_1'. Input(s): 'conv3_1'. Output(s): 'conv3_1'.
Layer 13: Type: 'Convolution', Name: 'conv3_2'. Input(s): 'conv3_1'. Output(s): 'conv3_2'.
Layer 14: Type: 'ReLU', Name: 'relu3_2'. Input(s): 'conv3_2'. Output(s): 'conv3_2'.
Layer 15: Type: 'Convolution', Name: 'conv3_3'. Input(s): 'conv3_2'. Output(s): 'conv3_3'.
Layer 16: Type: 'ReLU', Name: 'relu3_3'. Input(s): 'conv3_3'. Output(s): 'conv3_3'.
Layer 17: Type: 'Convolution', Name: 'score-dsn3'. Input(s): 'conv3_3'. Output(s): 'score-dsn3'.
Layer 18: Type: 'Deconvolution', Name: 'upsample_4'. Input(s): 'score-dsn3'. Output(s): 'score-dsn3-up'.
Layer 19: Type: 'Crop', Name: 'crop'. Input(s): 'score-dsn3-up', 'data'. Output(s): 'upscore-dsn3'.
================= Summary of the conversion: =================================== Detected input(s) and shape(s) (ignoring batch size):
'data' : 3, 500, 500
Network Input name(s): 'data'.
Network Output name(s): 'upscore-dsn3'.
input { name: "data" shortDescription: "Input image to be edge-detected. Must be exactly 500x500 pixels." type { imageType { width: 500 height: 500 colorSpace: BGR } } }
output { name: "upscore-dsn3" type { multiArrayType { dataType: DOUBLE } } }
metadata { shortDescription: "Holistically-Nested Edge Detection. " author: "Original paper: Xie, Saining and Tu, Zhuowen. Caffe implementation: Yangqing Jia. CoreML port: Ashis Laha" license: "Unknown" }
Create an objective-c file from “Cocoa-touch class”
name it - OpenCVWrapper
Xcode is smart and proposes to create a bridging header. Click on Create Bridging Header.
#import "OpenCVWrapper.h" in the bridging header
change from OpenCVWrapper.m to
#import <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#import "OpenCVWrapper.h"
into file.
NOTED : You will get ERROR : enum { NO, FEATHER, MULTI_BAND }; because of “NO” enum name. #import <opencv2/opencv.hpp> above all other imports will resolve the issue.
In OpenCVWrapper.h —> -(void) isOpenCVWorking;
In —> @Implementation
-(void) isOpenCVWorking {
NSLog(@"It's working");
AND call this from Swift class like :
let openCVWrapper = OpenCVWrapper()
It will generate Output : "It's working”
+(cv::Mat)CVMatFromImage:(UIImage *)image {
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGImageGetColorSpace(image.CGImage);
size_t numberOfComponents = CGColorSpaceGetNumberOfComponents(colorSpace);
CGFloat cols = image.size.width;
CGFloat rows = image.size.height;
cv::Mat cvMat(rows, cols, CV_8UC4); // 8 bits per component, 4 channels
CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault;
// check whether the UIImage is greyscale already
if (numberOfComponents == 1){
cvMat = cv::Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC1); // 8 bits per component, 1 channels
bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaNone | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault;
CGContextRef contextRef = CGBitmapContextCreate(, // Pointer to backing data
cols, // Width of bitmap
rows, // Height of bitmap
8, // Bits per component
cvMat.step[0], // Bytes per row
colorSpace, // Colorspace
bitmapInfo); // Bitmap info flags
CGContextDrawImage(contextRef, CGRectMake(0, 0, cols, rows), image.CGImage);
return cvMat;
-(cv::Mat) shapeDetection :(UIImage *)image { // image is the result of Edge detection, it's in gray scale.
// Convert to grayscale
cv::Mat gray;
cv::cvtColor(src, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
// Convert to binary image using Canny
cv::Mat bw;
cv::Canny(gray, bw, 0, 50, 5);
imageView.image = [UIImage fromCVMat:gray];
cv::Mat cameraFeed = [OpenCVWrapper CVMatFromImage:image];
std::vector< std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
// before applying contour finding, apply Morphology Transformations
// Closing the image (Method-1)
cv:: Mat bw2;
cv:: Mat erodedBW2;
cv:: Mat se = getStructuringElement(0, cv::Size(5,5));
cv::dilate(cameraFeed, bw2, se);
cv::erode(bw2, erodedBW2, se);
// Closing the image (Method-2)
cv::morphologyEx(cameraFeed, erodedBW2, cv::MORPH_CLOSE, se);
// Find contour
findContours( cameraFeed, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, cv::Point(0, 0));
bool objectFound = false;
if (hierarchy.size() > 0) {
for (int index = 0; index >= 0; index = hierarchy[index][0]) {
cv::Moments moment = moments((cv::Mat)contours[index]);
double area = moment.m00;
objectFound = (area > 100)? true : false;
//let user know you found an object
if(objectFound ==true){
for(int i=0; i < contours.size() ; i++) {
// let's infer the shape from contours , calculate approx length of contours
std::vector<cv::Point> approx;
for(int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
cv::approxPolyDP(cv::Mat(contours[i]), approx, cv::arcLength(cv::Mat(contours[i]), true)*0.02, true);
// Skip small
if (!(std::fabs(cv::contourArea(contours[i])) < 100)) { // && cv::isContourConvex(approx)
printf("\n\n\n .......Area : %.0f\t", std::fabs(cv::contourArea(contours[i])));
cv::Point2f center;
float radius = 0.0;
NSString * shape = @"";
switch (approx.size()) {
case 2: // line
shape = @"line";
case 3: // Triangle
shape = @"triangle";
case 4: // Rectangle
shape = @"rectangle";
case 5: // Pentagon
shape = @"pentagon";
case 6: //Hexagon
shape = @"hexagon";
default: // circle
printf("circle \t");
shape = @"circle";
cv::minEnclosingCircle(cv::Mat(contours[i]), center, radius);
printf("Approx size : %ld , radius = %.1f",approx.size(),radius);
NSMutableArray * positions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
if ([shape isEqual:@"circle"]) {
NSDictionary * dict = @{ @"radius": [NSNumber numberWithFloat:radius],
@"center.x":[NSNumber numberWithFloat:center.x],
@"center.y":[NSNumber numberWithFloat:center.y]
[positions addObject:dict];
for (int j = 0; j < approx.size(); j++) {
NSDictionary * dict = @{ @"x":[NSNumber numberWithInt:approx[j].x], @"y":[NSNumber numberWithInt:approx[j].y]};
[positions addObject:dict];
[self.shapesResults addObject:@{shape:positions}]; // update the dictionary
return cameraFeed;
+(UIImage *)ImageFromCVMat:(cv::Mat)cvMat {
NSData *data = [NSData length:cvMat.elemSize()*];
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo;
if (cvMat.elemSize() == 1) {
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray();
bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaNone | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault;
} else {
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little | (cvMat.elemSize() == 3? kCGImageAlphaNone : kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst);
CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((__bridge CFDataRef)data);
// Creating CGImage from cv::Mat
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreate(
cvMat.cols, //width
cvMat.rows, //height
8, //bits per component
8 * cvMat.elemSize(), //bits per pixel
cvMat.step[0], //bytesPerRow
colorSpace, //colorspace
bitmapInfo, //bitmap info
provider, //CGDataProviderRef
NULL, //decode
false, //should interpolate
kCGRenderingIntentDefault //intent
// Getting UIImage from CGImage
UIImage *finalImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef];
return finalImage;
cv::Mat cameraFeed = [self shapeDetection:image];
UIImage * result = [OpenCVWrapper ImageFromCVMat:cameraFeed];
// save it into photo-galary
UIImage * rotatedImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:[result CGImage] scale:1.0 orientation:UIImageOrientationRight];
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(rotatedImage, self, nil, nil);
class func createline(from : SCNVector3 , to : SCNVector3) -> SCNNode { // Z is static
// calculate Angle
let dx = from.x - to.x
let dy = (from.y - to.y)
var theta = atan(Double(dy/dx))
if theta == .nan {
theta = 3.14159265358979 / 2 // 90 Degree
//Create Node
let width = CGFloat(sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ))
let height : CGFloat = 0.01
let length : CGFloat = 0.08
let chamferRadius : CGFloat = 0.01
let route = SCNBox(width: width, height: height, length: length, chamferRadius: chamferRadius)
route.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = UIColor.getRandomColor()
let midPosition = SCNVector3Make((from.x+to.x)/2, (from.y+to.y)/2,0)
let node = SCNNode(geometry: route)
node.position = midPosition
node.rotation = SCNVector4Make(0, 0, 1, Float(theta)) // along Z axis
return node
class func createCircle(center : SCNVector3, radius : CGFloat) -> SCNNode {
var geometry : SCNGeometry!
geometry = SCNCylinder(radius: radius, height: 0.01)
geometry.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = UIColor.getRandomColor()
geometry.firstMaterial?.specular.contents = UIColor.getRandomColor()
let node = SCNNode(geometry: geometry)
node.position = center
node.rotation = SCNVector4Make(1, 0, 0, Float(Double.pi/2)) // along X axis
return node
class func boundaryNode() -> SCNNode {
let node = SCNNode()
let points : [(Float,Float)] = [(0.0,0.0),(0.5,0.0), (0.5,0.5), (0.0,0.5)]
for i in 0..<4 {
let x1 = points[i].0
let y1 = points[i].1
let x2 = points[(i+1)%points.count].0
let y2 = points[(i+1)%points.count].1
let from = SCNVector3Make(x1,y1,0)
let to = SCNVector3Make(x2,y2,0)
node.addChildNode(SceneNodeCreator.createline(from: from, to: to))
return node
The Image Co-ordinates looks like :
.......Area : 9656 Triangle
.......Area : 17871 Rectangle
.......Area : 9368 circle Approx size : 8 , radius = 76.6
.......Area : 3100 Rectangle
Shape : triangle Values : (
{ x = 198; y = 255; },
{ x = 119; y = 373; },
{ x = 208; y = 485; })
Shape : rectangle Values : (
{ x = 303; y = 128; },
{ x = 231; y = 162; },
{ x = 247; y = 367; },
{ x = 330; y = 349; })
Shape : circle Values : (
{ "center.x" = 151; "center.y" = "106.5523"; radius = "76.61115"; },
{ x = 148; y = 30; },
{ x = 115; y = 77; },
{ x = 112; y = 118; },
{ x = 127; y = 169; },
{ x = 156; y = 183; },
{ x = 183; y = 152; },
{ x = 191; y = 95; },
{ x = 186; y = 60; })
Shape : rectangle Values : (
{ x = 499; y = 0; },
{ x = 2; y = 0; },
{ x = 0; y = 499; },
{ x = 5; y = 8; })
The convertion function :
class func getSceneNode(shapreResults : [[String : Any]] ) -> SCNScene { // input is array of dictionary
let scene = SCNScene()
let convertionRatio : Float = 1000.0
let imageWidth : Int = 499
let xMin = 10
let xMax = 490
for eachShape in shapreResults {
if let dictionary = eachShape.first {
let values = dictionary.value as! [[String : Any]]
switch dictionary.key {
case "circle" :
if let circleParams = values.first as? [String : Float] {
let x = circleParams["center.x"] ?? 0.0
let y = circleParams["center.y"] ?? 0.0
let radius = circleParams["radius"] ?? 0.0
let center = SCNVector3Make(Float(Float(imageWidth)-y)/convertionRatio+SceneNodeCreator.windowRoot.x, Float(Float(imageWidth)-x)/convertionRatio+SceneNodeCreator.windowRoot.y, SceneNodeCreator.z)
scene.rootNode.addChildNode(SceneNodeCreator.createCircle(center: center, radius: CGFloat(radius/convertionRatio)))
// adding text
var textPosition = center
textPosition.y = textPosition.y + (radius/convertionRatio) + 0.01
scene.rootNode.addChildNode(SceneNodeCreator.create3DText("C", position: textPosition))
case "line","triangle", "rectangle","pentagon","hexagon":
for i in 0..<values.count { // connect all points usning straight lines (basic)
let x1 = values[i]["x"] as! Int
let y1 = values[i]["y"] as! Int
let x2 = values[(i+1)%values.count]["x"] as! Int
let y2 = values[(i+1)%values.count]["y"] as! Int
// skip the boundary Rectangle here
if x1>xMin && x1<xMax {
let from = SCNVector3Make(Float(imageWidth-y1)/convertionRatio+SceneNodeCreator.windowRoot.x, Float(imageWidth-x1)/convertionRatio+SceneNodeCreator.windowRoot.y, SceneNodeCreator.z)
let to = SCNVector3Make(Float(imageWidth-y2)/convertionRatio+SceneNodeCreator.windowRoot.x, Float(imageWidth-x2)/convertionRatio+SceneNodeCreator.windowRoot.y, SceneNodeCreator.z)
scene.rootNode.addChildNode(SceneNodeCreator.createline(from: from, to: to))
// add shape description
switch values.count {
case 2: // line
let x1 = values[0]["x"] as! Int
let y1 = values[0]["y"] as! Int
let x2 = values[1]["x"] as! Int
let y2 = values[1]["y"] as! Int
if x1>xMin && x1<xMax {
let center = (Float(x1),Float(y1)), diagonal_p2: (Float(x2),Float(y2)))
let centerVector = SCNVector3Make((Float(imageWidth)-center.1)/convertionRatio+SceneNodeCreator.windowRoot.x+0.01,
scene.rootNode.addChildNode(SceneNodeCreator.create3DText("L", position: centerVector))
case 3 : // traingle
let x1 = values[0]["x"] as! Int
let y1 = values[0]["y"] as! Int
let x2 = values[1]["x"] as! Int
let y2 = values[1]["y"] as! Int
let x3 = values[2]["x"] as! Int
let y3 = values[2]["y"] as! Int
if x1>xMin && x1<xMax {
let centroid = SceneNodeCreator.centroidOfTriangle(point1: (Float(x1),Float(y1)), point2: (Float(x2),Float(y2)), point3: (Float(x3),Float(y3)))
let centerVector = SCNVector3Make((Float(imageWidth)-centroid.1)/convertionRatio+SceneNodeCreator.windowRoot.x,
scene.rootNode.addChildNode(SceneNodeCreator.create3DText("T", position: centerVector))
case 4: // Rectangle
let x1 = values[0]["x"] as! Int
let y1 = values[0]["y"] as! Int
let x2 = values[2]["x"] as! Int
let y2 = values[2]["y"] as! Int
if x1>xMin && x1<xMax {
let center = (Float(x1),Float(y1)), diagonal_p2: (Float(x2),Float(y2)))
let centerVector = SCNVector3Make((Float(imageWidth)-center.1)/convertionRatio+SceneNodeCreator.windowRoot.x,
scene.rootNode.addChildNode(SceneNodeCreator.create3DText("R", position: centerVector))
case 5,6: // pentagon, Hexagon
let x1 = values[0]["x"] as! Int
let y1 = values[0]["y"] as! Int
let x2 = values[3]["x"] as! Int
let y2 = values[3]["y"] as! Int
if x1>xMin && x1<xMax {
let center = (Float(x1),Float(y1)), diagonal_p2: (Float(x2),Float(y2)))
let centerVector = SCNVector3Make((Float(imageWidth)-center.1)/convertionRatio+SceneNodeCreator.windowRoot.x,
let text = (values.count == 5) ? "P" : "H"
scene.rootNode.addChildNode(SceneNodeCreator.create3DText(text, position: centerVector))
print("NO Shape")
default :
print("This is default for Drawing node ")
// add boundary
return scene