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PIC16F887 NEC IR Remote decoder app

MPLABX v5.35 PIC assembly language code that runs on the Microchip PICDEM2 Plus (DM163022-1)

The application implements a protocol decoder for an NEC Infrared Remote control transmitter.

This code was posted as an answer to a question posted on StackOverfolw.



I am using this project as a test for porting an MPASM project to pic-as(v2.20)

Issues found so far:

When MPLABX v5.40 builds non-PIC18F targets with the pis-as(v2.20) tool chain it asserts this message:

::: warning: (1428) "-misa=std" is not supported; this feature will be ignored

The "-misa=std" option is supported only for PIC18F controller targets.

The preprocessor macro #if and the assembler directive IF accept only absolute expressions. Relocatable expression that are resolved by the linker such as the argument for the MPASM BANKISEL directive cannot be used in these expressions.

The MPASM assembler directive BANKISEL for the mid-range PIC16F (non-enhanced) can be replaced using the preprocessor macro: #define bankisel(Address) dw 0x1383|((Address&0x100)<<2) This requires that the parameter be enclosed in parentheses ().

Or this pic-as(v2.20) assembler MACRO:

bankisel MACRO arg1
    dw   0x1383|((arg1 and 0x100) shl 2)

This does not require that the parameter be enclosed in parentheses.