A trough to channel water from a distance.
A neovim plugin that provides vertical channels along the sides of your window:
- minimap of the +signs and extmarks for the side of the window.
- replacement for the signcolumn: customize the width and contents of the column to your liking!
You can install this plugin using a variety of plugin managers.
Plug 'dsummersl/nvim-sluice'
config = function()
... override any defaults ...
Default configuration:
enable = true,
gutters = { {
plugins = { "viewport", "search" },
window = {
default_gutter_hl = "SluiceColumn",
enabled_fn = 'sluice.config.default_enabled_fn',
width = 1
}, {
plugins = { "viewport", "signs" },
window = {
count_method = "",
default_gutter_hl = "SluiceColumn",
enabled_fn = 'sluice.config.default_enabled_fn',
width = 1
} },
throttle_ms = 150
You can configure nvim-sluice to create custom gutters on either the left or the right side of the screen. Each gutter can be configured to display specific symbols and have a custom width. You can also specify which groups to include or exclude from the gutter.
Example configuration with left and right gutters:
enable = true,
gutters = {
left = { -- Define a gutter on the left side
plugins = { "gitsigns", "lsp" },
window = {
default_gutter_hl = "SluiceGutter",
enabled_fn = <function 1>,
width = 2,
whitelist = { "GitSignsAdd", "GitSignsChange", "LspDiagnosticsSignError" },
blacklist = { "GitSignsDelete" }
right = { -- Define a gutter on the right side (existing functionality)
plugins = { "viewport", "search" },
window = {
default_gutter_hl = "SluiceColumn",
enabled_fn = <function 2>,
width = 1
throttle_ms = 150
In the above example, the left gutter is configured to show signs from gitsigns and LSP messages, with a width of 2 cells. It includes only the specified whitelist groups and excludes the blacklist groups. The right gutter remains as previously configured.
See this asciinema screencast for a demonstration.
Run tests:
make test
Pre commit hooks:
pip install requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install
Thanks to nvim-treesitter-context which I based the lua windowing that this plugin uses.
The idea behind this project is based on vim-sluice -- a buggier and more feature-ful version of this plugin for vim/gvim.
With the new configuration options, you can:
- Define gutters on both the left and right sides of the screen.
- Configure the symbols and width of each gutter.
- Whitelist or blacklist specific highlight groups to fine-tune what is displayed in the gutters.
- Create dedicated gutters for specific plugins like gitsigns or LSP messages.
These features provide greater flexibility in how you view and interact with different signs and messages within Neovim.
- -- a good inspiration for a reboot from