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Music Quiz

Music Trivia helps users gain knowledge and understanding of music history.

Created By:

Name: Douglas Angram


Slack Username: dtangram

Setting up the app

  1. npm install to setup the root project
  2. Change into each of the sub-directories and install the node modules

Running app

  • npm run dev - Starts API and Web Servers
  • npm run dev:react - Starts API and React Servers
  • npm run web - Starts Web server
  • npm run api - Starts Api server
  • npm run react - Starts React server



  • id
  • name
  • type (public, private)
  • userId


  • id
  • title
  • quizId


  • id
  • value
  • type (correct, incorrect)
  • questionId


  • id
  • username
  • password
  • access_token
  • type

API Routes

Method Path Description
GET /quizzes/public List all the quizzes that are public
GET /quizzes List all the quizzes the user created
POST /quizzes Create a new quiz
GET /quizzes/:id The details of one quiz
PUT /quizzes/:id Edit a quiz
DELETE /quizzes/:id Remove a quiz
GET /questions/?quizId= Get all the questions for a quiz
POST /questions Create a new question
GET /questions/:id Get one question
PUT /questions/:id Update an question
DELETE /questions/:id Delete an question
GET /choices?questionId= Get all the choices for a question
POST /choices Create a new choice
GET /choices/:id Get one choice
PUT /choices/:id Update an choice
DELETE /choices/:id Delete an choice
POST /auth/exchange Change temp code for access_code
POST /auth/signup Create user using username and pwd
POST /auth/login Log user in using username and pwd

Web Routes

Method Path Description
GET / Landing Page, list of public quizzes
GET /login Login Page for oAuth and username password
GET /logout Logs the user out of the system
GET /quiz/:id List of all the questions & choices with the ability to select answers
POST /quiz/:id Shows results of the quiz
GET /admin/quizzes/list List all the previously created quizzes
GET /admin/quizzes/:id Detail page of quiz
GET /admin/quizzes/delete/:quizId Remove a quiz
GET /admin/quizzes/edit/:quizId Edit quiz form
POST /admin/quizzes/edit/:quizId Save changes to a quiz
GET /admin/quizzes/new Create a quiz form
POST /admin/quizzes/new Save a new quiz
GET /admin/questions/delete/:questionId Remove a question
GET /admin/questions/edit/:questionId Edit question form
POST /admin/questions/edit/:questionId Save changes to a question
GET /admin/questions/new?quizId= Create a question form
POST /admin/questions/new?quizId= Save a new question
GET /admin/choices/delete/:choiceId Delete an choice
GET /admin/choices/edit/:choiceId Edit choice form
POST /admin/choices/edit/:choiceId Save changes to a choice
GET /admin/choices/new?questionId= Create a choice form
POST /admin/choices/new?questionId= Save a new choice

React Routes

Method Path Description
GET / Landing Page, list of public quizzes
GET /login Login Page for oAuth and username password
GET /quiz/:id List of all the questions & choices with the ability to select answers
GET /admin/quizzes List all the previously created quizzes
GET /admin/quizzes/edit/:id Edit quiz form
GET /admin/quizzes/new Create a quiz form
GET /admin/questions/edit/:id Edit question form
GET /admin/questions/new/:quizId Create a question form
GET /admin/choices/edit/:id Edit choice form
GET /admin/choices/new/:questionId Create a choice form