Music library and embedding video for database course.
Designed in Django.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Haonan Wu
Changxing Cao
We design the website by Django 1.8 and python 3 with several third party library including: django-inspect django-embed-video django-bootstrap-form django-redis django-filter We design 7 web applications, music, core, songs, artists, albums, playlists, admin system.
The kernel application for the whole system, master application. This application is charge of the settings for the website, and communicate with the browsers under Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) standards.
The kernel application for user management:
User Login, User Sign up, User profile and profile edition
User Followed Users List, User Favorite Artists List, User Playlist List, UserUser Play Records List
All user information lists: Homepage, User List, User Detail
All the operations which are relevant to Table User, Like, Follow: Follow a user Like an artist ; Unfollow a user; Unlike an artist
The application relevant to Table Song, Rate: Song List, Song Detail, Song Play Song Rate Albums: The application relevant to Table Album: Album List, Album Detail Playlists: The application relevant to Table Playlist: Playlist Creation, Playlist List, Playlist Detail
The application relevant to Table Artist: Artist List, Artist Detail
The application about database management. This application enable the administrators to access the database without using SQL. They modify the database through this application.
Cache Part:
In this website system, we have add some simple cache system to reduce the database I/O. We use redis as Timed-cache with expiration. It is a in-memory database system which supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries.
In the table Play, we design a attribute (ptype) to show the source type of the track, if ptype equals to 0, it means that the song is played from a album, and the source id references to an album’s alid; if ptype equals to 1, it means that the song is played from playlist, and the source id references to a playlist’s pid; if ptype equals to 2, the song is played outside any playlist or album, so the source id is null. Because in different cases, the source id references to different attribute of different table, it can’t be designed as a foreign key. And compared with using several tables to store the three kinds of sources, it will cost a little more space but easily be implemented.
In table Users, profile has ‘name’, ‘email’,’city’, they can be null and users can update their profile after they sign up and log in.
In table Track, we store url in this table, so when we need to play this song, we can just link the url with this song.
In table Follow, there are two options that we can use, 1.use type to decide the two users’ relation; 2. Use the attribute to decide who follows who. We choose 2, and when we want to see which two users follow each other, we just need to add "a.uid<b.uid" to delete repeated data.
Users (uid, uname, uemail, ucity, ulogname, upw)
Primary Key: uid
Uid: Users’ id number, auto increase, not null;
Uname: Users’ name, can be null;
Uemail: Users’ email, can be null;
Ucity: The city users live in, can be null;
Ulogname: The nick name to log in, not null;
Upw: Password to log in, not null;
Track (tid, ttitle, tduration, tgenre, turl, aid)
Primary Key: tid
Foreign key: Track.aid references Artists.aid
Tid: songs’ id number, not null;
Ttitle: song’s name, not null;
Tduration: the total time that playing this song will cost, not null;
Tgenre: the genre of the song, not null;
Turl: the source web url of the song, not null;
Aid: the id number of Artist, not null;
Artists (aid, aname, adescript)
Primary Key: aid
Aid: the id number of Artist, not null;
Aname: artist’s name, not null;
Adescript: the description of the artist, not null;
Playlist (pid, ptitle, pdate, uid)
Primary Key: pid
Foreign key: Playlist.uid references Users.uid
Pid: the id number of playlist, not null;
Ptitle: the title name of playlist, not null;
Pdate: the datetime that the playlist created, not null;
Uid: users’ id number;
Album (alid, altitle, aldate)
Primary Key: alid
Alid: id number of album, not null;
Altitle: title name of the album, not null;
Aldate: the title date time that album released, not null;
AlbumTrack (alid, tid, aorder)
Primary Key: alid, tid
Foreign key: AlbumTrack.alid references Album.alid
AlbumTrack.tid references Track.tid
Aorder: the order of one track in one album, not null;
PlaylistTrack (pid, tid, porder)
Primary Key: pid, tid
Foreign key: references
PlaylistTrack.tid references Track.tid
Porder: the order of one track in one playlist, not null;
Likes (uid, aid, ltimestamp)
Primary Key: uid, aid
Foreign key: Likes.uid references Users.uid
Likes.aid references Artists.tid
Ltimestamp: the timestamp when user likes one artist
Rate (uid, tid, rtimestamp, score)
Primary Key: uid, tid
Foreign key: Rate.uid references Users.uid
Rate.tid references Track.tid
Rtimestamp: the timestamp when user rates one track song
Score: the score that one user rates
Follow (flwerid, flweeid, ftimestamp)
Primary Key: flwerid, flweeid
Foreign key: Follow.flwerid references Users.uid
Follow.flweeid references Users.uid
Flwerid: the follower’s user id (A follows B, this will store A id)
Flweeid: the one who is followed id (store B id)
Play (uid, tid, ptype, sourceid, ptimestamp)
Primary Key: uid, tid, ptimestamp
Foreign key: Play.uid references Users.uid
Play.tid references Track.tid
Ptype: which kind of source the track playing come from, 0--album; 1--playlist; 2--others
Ptype=0,1,2. Use "check ptype<=2 and ptype>=0"
Sourceid: the source id of the track, can be null;
Ptimestamp: the timestamp when user plays a song, not null
Hope to help someone review or learn SQL, kinda forget some query's purposes, the report.pdf have the whole version, or just ignore the following : )
SELECT art.aid, art.aname, COUNT(Track.tid)
FROM Artists as art, Track
WHERE art.aid = Track.aid
GROUP BY art.aid;
SELECT art.aid
FROM Artists as art, Track
WHERE Track.aid = art.aid
AND Track.tgenre='Jazz'
GROUP BY Track.aid
HAVING 2*SUM(Track.tid) >= (
FROM Artists as a, Track as t
WHERE a.aid = t.aid AND a.aid = Track.aid
GROUP BY t.aid
SELECT, pl.ptitle, pl.uid
FROM Playlist as pl, Users
WHERE pl.uid = Users.uid
AND Users.uid IN (
SELECT Follow.flwerid
FROM Follow, Users AS u
WHERE u.uname = 'NancyInQueens'
AND u.uid = Follow.flweeid
SELECT Track.tid, Track.ttitle
FROM Track, Artists AS art
WHERE Track.aid = art.aid
AND (CONTAIN(Track.ttitle, "love") OR CONTAIN(art.adescript, "love"));
SELECT a1.aid, a2.aid
FROM Artists AS a1, Artists AS a2, Like AS l1, Like AS l2
WHERE a1.aid > a2.aid AND a1.aid = l1.aid AND a2.aid = l2.aid AND l1.uid = l2.uid
GROUP BY a1.aid, a2.aid
HAVING 2*SUM(l1.uid) >= (
SELECT SUM(l3.uid)
FROM Like AS l3
WHERE a1.aid = l3.aid
GROUP BY a1.aid
AND 2*SUM(l1.uid) >= (
SELECT SUM(l4.uid)
FROM Like AS l4
WHERE a2.aid = l4.aid
GROUP BY a2.aid
User Table
Track Table
Album Table
Playlist Table
Albumtrack Table
Artists Table
Rate Table
Likes Table
Follow Table
User Table
Track Table
Album Table
Playlist Table
Albumtrack Table
Artists Table
Rate Table
Likes Table
Follow Table