func TestLog(t *testing.T) {
log := Logger("test")
log.Info("This is important.")
log.Error(errors.New("this is an error msg"))
log.DebugTracef("stack trace test: %s", "disabled")
log.Fatal("FATAL ERROR. BEEP.")
log.Info("This is also important.")
for _, ll := range GetGlobalLoggingContext().GlobalListeners() {
GetGlobalLoggingContext().AddGlobalLogListener(ll, Trace)
log.DebugTracef("stack trace test: %s", "enabled")
02/17/17 16:13:18.536 | test | Warning | Danger
02/17/17 16:13:18.536 | test | Info | This is important.
02/17/17 16:13:18.536 | test | Error | this is an error msg
this is an error msg
02/17/17 16:13:18.536 | test | FatalError | FATAL ERROR. BEEP.
02/17/17 16:13:18.536 | test | Info | This is also important.
02/17/17 16:13:18.536 | test | Debug | stack trace test: enabled | /home/dtrombley/go/path/src/
[0] /home/dtrombley/go/path/src/ in ()
[1] /home/dtrombley/go/root/src/testing/testing.go:610 in ()
[2] /home/dtrombley/go/root/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2086 in ()
There is support for integration with the popular logrus logging framework: (build with '-tags logrus')
func TestLogrus(t *testing.T) {
logging := CreateLogrusLoggingContext()
log, _ := logging.Stream("logrus-integrarion-test")
log.Infof("This is a test! (type=%s)", reflect.TypeOf(log).String())
log.Errorf(errors.New("This is an error"), "The error goes to a logrus field...")
log.Trace("Stack traces also get added to the logrus fields.")
log.AddLogListener(logp.NewWriterLogger("test-writer", os.Stdout, logp.NewLogEntryFormatter()), logp.Warning)
logrusLogger := log.(*LogrusLogger).Logrus()
logrusLogger.Warn("The other way also works!")
INFO[0000] This is a test! (type=*support.LogrusLogger)
ERRO[0000] The error goes to a logrus field... error="This is an error"
DEBU[0000] Stack traces also get added to the logrus fields. _trace=[{0x0000000000472404 /home/dtrombley/go/path/src/ 467 } {0x0000000000473708 /home/dtrombley/go/path/src/ 20 } {0x0000000000469E21 /home/dtrombley/go/root/src/testing/testing.go 610 } {0x0000000000457CB1 /home/dtrombley/go/root/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s 2086 }]
02/17/17 23:13:56.629 | logrus-integrarion-test | Warning | The other way also works!
WARN[0000] The other way also works!