CP4J is a high performant algorithms and data structures Java library designed for programming contests.
- All algorithms and data structures are designed to work on primitive number types (int, long, double). Code duplication is avoided through a lightweight code generation process.
- Interface is designed based on the problem rather than specific algorithms/data structures.
- Highly modularized and low coupling.
- Can be used with IntelliJ's CHelper plugin to inline library code to submit solution as a single file.
- Focus on developing tools and utils to assist with finding a solution.
Data Structures
- NDArray
- Graph (undirected/directed)
- Weighted Graph
- Fenwick Tree
- Disjoint Set
- Finding Connected Components
- Binary Search
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Finding Hamiltonian Path O(2^N)
Dynamic Programming to find a path with maximum sum from left column to right column of a matrix.
NDShape size = in.nextLineAsShape();
IntNDArray matrix = in.nextLinesAs2DIntArray(size);
for (int col = 1; col < size.dim(1); col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < size.dim(0); row++) {
int best = matrix.get(row, col - 1);
if (row > 0) {
best = Math.max(best, matrix.get(row - 1, col - 1));
if (row < size.dim(0) - 1) {
best = Math.max(best, matrix.get(row + 1, col - 1));
int newBest = best + matrix.get(row, col);
matrix.set(row, col, newBest);
2D Fenwick Tree
IntCumulativeTable2D table = null;
while (true) {
int[] row = in.readTokensAsIntArray();
int command = row[0];
if (command == 3) {
if (command == 0) {
int n = row[1];
table = new IntFenwickTree2D(new DefaultIntArithmetic(), n);
} else if (command == 1) {
table.add(row[1], row[2] , row[3]);
} else if (command == 2) {
out.write(table.sum(row[1] , row[2] , row[3] , row[4]));
Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal Algorithm)
IntKruskalAlgorithm kruskal = new IntKruskalAlgorithm(arithmetic);
IntKruskalAlgorithm.Input input = new IntKruskalAlgorithm.Input(g, weight);
out.write(AlgorithmRunner.runAlgorithm(kruskal, input).getResult().getMinimumWeight());
Data Structures
- Segment Tree
- Geometric Data Structures (Point/Segment/Polygon/...)
- Suffix Arrays
- Suffix Automaton
- Binary Search Tree
- ...
- Matrix Multiplication
- Network Flow
- Minimum Cost Network Flow
- Convex Hull
- Finding Eulerian Path
- Bipartite Matching
- ...
For using this library in programming contests such as CodeForces, please clone the repository from Github. It should work well with IntelliJ+CHelper plugin.
For using the library directly in projects, please install it from Github Packages MVN Repo by adding the dependency into the project's Maven pom.xml. Please also config the repo and Github authentication according to instructions.