A Node.JS based API that also functions as content delivery. It's main purpose is to provide authentication/ACL and also to deliver content like websites and application/* data
This is going to be used for an application I'm currently making.
The application can be launched in multiple environment modes (this is still a WIP, going to introduce features into each environment like security features etc)
Using an environment:
NODE_ENV=env-name node.
The current env-name's in the project are:
- production (123.456.789.012:80/443)
- staging (
- tokClear (clears expired tokens)
If there is no environment defined when starting the application then it defaults to staging.
To clear expired tokens while the server is running run:
NODE_ENV=tokClear node .
Learn about error and their meaning here
We have no imports, no need for a package.json or any dependacy management. But this DOES require Node 8.*.