This is part III of an automated redo of Due to time constraints within Travis it is not possible to redo the full guide in a single repository. For part I see
Prebuild binary for qemu 0.11 is pulled in together with the disk image from part II. The second patchkit is installed and GENERICISA is compiled . After this a full buildworld is done.
All artifacts are pushed to The disk is bzip2 compressed and then split into 50MB parts. Grabbing the disk is simple.
for i in a b c; do \
wget -O -${i};\
done|bunzip2 >qdisk.img
For hints on how to build qemu 0.11 on a modern system see
386BSD with all patchkits installed should run in qemu 0.11 with:
qemu -L /usr/local/share/qemu/ \
-curses \
-hda qdisk.img \
-M isapc \
-net nic \
-no-reboot \
-m 64 \
-startdate "1994-04-22"
This is being maintained with github and travis-ci as the IDE, I don't do branches and have no qualms using master as a scratch pad. Hic Sunt Leones, here be dragons, buyer beware, sorry for the ugly commit messages and all that.