A collection of write-ups on topics such as: vulnerabilities, malware analysis, challenges etc
Symbol | Meaning |
'#' | High quality writeup: detailed explanation of relevant materials and how-to |
Name | Description |
The MAL: A Malware Analysis Lexicon, 2013 | An excellent document put out by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie-Mellon, at the time of publication the authors noted the immaturity of the field and providing the lexicon was an attempt at moving the maturity of malware analysis forward |
CCleanup: A Vast number of Machines at Risk, SEP 2017 | Analysis put out by members of cisco's Talos Intelligence group. |
Shamoon 2 Malware Analysis Report, APR 2017 | Corporate-level publication, put out by LogRhythm |
Awtrak Banking Trojan, 2015 | a 33-page writeup from AVG in pdf format |
Malware with No Strings Attached, 2014 | Blog entry from from an instructor of graduate level malware analysis courses |
The Mind of a Malware Analyst, 2013 | a detailed analysis by the blogger, features bullets of his process |
Name | Description |
IOHIDeous, Dec 2017 | '#' a quality writeup on a vulnerability that yields kernal r/w access |
Name | Description |
Analysis of an APT, 2011 | SANS white paper by Frankie Li - Note the references section for further reading |