Every time I come to use a new set up (virtual) machine, obvioulsy nothing I want is there... Having to reinstall the same software suite repeatedly is frustrating, and managing the corresponding configuration for those applications is even worse.
This repository solves those issues at keeping my configuration and the related software suite at a central place.
- Any Linux (still a WIP for maximum compatibility) or Windows (coming soon)
- Internet access in the box
- /!\ An updated system (followed by a reboot just in case) /!\
- Installed Chezmoi &
chezmoi init duketuxem
chezmoi cd
- Choose core or desktop (core is for headless/tty, desktop for graphical use)
- The relevant packages should be installed!
You may exit
the shell since it was spawned by chezmoi
chezmoi apply
to install everything on the host
For all users:
echo 'ZDOTDIR="$HOME"/.config/zsh' | sudo tee /etc/zsh/zshenv
Or only for the current user:
echo 'ZDOTDIR="$HOME"/.config/zsh' > ~/.zshenv
echo 'source $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv' >> ~/.zshenv
chsh /bin/zsh
(or any platform default shell path and type the user passwdexit
This is to be done.