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Random Background

A simple web server that serves a random image on every request


With Docker

A simple example using docker-compose

  1. Create a data directory and place your images there
  2. Create a docker-compose.yml with the following content:
version: '3'
    image: dumbaspl/random-background
    restart: unless-stopped
      # Container expects images to be in /data
      # this can be changed using the DATA_DIR environment variable
      # or by using an S3 compatible storage
      - ./data:/data
      # Expose on port 3000, you might need to change this
      - 3000:3000
  1. start the container using docker-compose up -d


You need nodejs(LTS version recommended) and yarn installed

  1. Create a data directory and place your images there
  2. Create a .env file and put your configuration there.

Set DATA_DIR to the directory you created in step 1 or configure S3

  1. Install dependencies using yarn
  2. Build using yarn build
  3. Start by running node dist/index.js

Using S3 compatible storage instead of a local folder

to use S3 compatible storage you need to set the following environment variables:

Name Description Required
S3_ENDPOINT ip or hostname of the s3 server Yes
S3_PORT port s3 runs on Yes
S3_USE_SSL use ssl when connecting to s3 No (Defaults to false, set to true to enable)
S3_ACCESS_KEY s3 access key Yes
S3_SECRET_KEY s3 secret key Yes
S3_BUCKET_NAME bucket name to use (Will be created if bucket does not exist) Yes
S3_REGION s3 region to use No (Defaults to us-east-1)
S3_REDIRECT_URL When set, the /redirect endpoint will rediret to this URL
with the image path appended instead of the default /img endpoint.
This is the full URL pointing to the bucket root.
Make sure the bucket is publicly accessible

NOTE: if S3_ENDPOINT is set DATA_DIR is ignored

Available endpoints

the :path is relative to DATA_DIR. It can be omitted if images are in the root of DATA_DIR.

/ - redirects to /direct

/b - redirects to /redirect

/direct/:path - returns a random image from selected path without redirecting. Do not cache this endpoint!

/redirect/:path - picks a random image and redirects to /img/:path/<random image>

/img/:fullImagePath - gets an image directly. Usefully if you want to add a cache in front of this service