📦 Components 💡 Custom Features ⚡️ Optimized distribution
Dusk is build to be a progressive framework for people to use and build interfaces & web applications. Dusk tries to take React.component & Vuetify tag ideas to create a new and orignal format from scratch. Combining these ideas, an attempt is made to remove unused functionalities from production and tries to generate a optimized output as end result.
npm i duskjs
Dusk uses its own html tag called the d-tag. This will give your HTML pages styling in a easy way. Its as simply:
Dusk also has the abillity to use components! The way these are created is as followed:
npm run component
#Component Name: Example
#Starting generation component...
#Component created successfully
In this example you have created the component: ExampleComponent.
This component will be placed inside the component folder. There will be a folder with the name of the component you just created. Inside the folder there is a .js file. You can create html components like:
const DuskComponent = require("duskjs/lib/component/duskComponent");
class ExampleComponent extends DuskComponent {
return "<d-row> <d-card> Welcome to Dusk </d-card> </d-row>";
module.exports = ExampleComponent;
If you got a idea of adjustment, create a pull request or a new issue for your input. It will get a look and comment if it is good enough & usefull. If you want to help with the realisation, take one of the goals of the version update. Make a pull request with your change and we give it a look.
- A install of Node.js
- Working clone of the repo, or the npm install of the project
- Execution of the npm install command
- Serve is runned without making a build first
- Add custom css to dusk elements
- Implement the availibility of adding your own Javascript functionality to a component
- When served, reflect changes in files on local host
A folder named: 'src'. This needs to be inside the same folder as the node_modules. After the creation of the 'src'folder, create a 'index.js' inside the 'src'folder. Now we need to configurate a little. These handlings will be handled inside a future update be for now we need to do it by hand. Now were almost ready to use Dusk. We only need to edit our package.json with the following:
"component": "ExampleComponent",
"scripts": {
"compile": "node node_modules/duskjs/scripts/build.js",
"disting": "node node_modules/duskjs/scripts/dister.js",
"build": "npm run disting & npm run compile & node node_modules/duskjs/scripts/trasher.js",
"serve": "node node_modules/duskjs/scripts/serve.js",
"component": "ts-node node_modules/duskjs/lib/component/component.ts"
Inside the package.json we added the commands that can be used for Dusk. Also we included the port where Dusk needs to run on locally. And as last with the component object we give the name of the target to start with. The component will be the first building block for the application and the compiling will start from this component to create the code for the project.
Licensed under MIT.