ROS2 nodes and Gazebo model for NVIDIA JetBot with Jetson Nano
note: if you want to use ROS Melodic, see the
git clone
cd jetbot_ros
If you have a real JetBot, you can start the camera / motors like so:
ros2 launch jetbot_ros
or (for a Sparkfun Jetbot)
ros2 launch jetbot_ros
Otherwise, see the Launch Gazebo
section below to run the simulator.
ros2 launch jetbot_ros
Then to run the following commands, launch a new terminal session into the container:
sudo docker exec -it jetbot_ros /bin/bash
ros2 launch jetbot_ros
The keyboard controls are as follows:
w/x: increase/decrease linear velocity
a/d: increase/decrease angular velocity
space key, s: force stop
Press Ctrl+C to quit.
ros2 launch jetbot_ros
It's recommended to view the camera feed in Gazebo by going to Window -> Topic Visualization -> gazebo.msgs.ImageStamped
and selecting the /gazebo/default/jetbot/camera_link/camera/image
Then drive the robot and press the C
key to capture an image. Then annotate that image in the pop-up window by clicking the center point of the path. Repeat this all the way around the track. It's important to also collect data of when the robot gets off-course (i.e. near the edges of the track, or completely off the track). This way, the JetBot will know how to get back on track.
Press Ctrl+C when you're done collecting data to quit.
Run this from inside the container, substituting the path of the dataset that you collected (by default, it will be in a timestamped folder under /workspace/src/jetbot_ros/data/datasets/
cd /workspace/src/jetbot_ros/jetbot_ros/dnn
python3 --data /workspace/src/jetbot_ros/data/datasets/20211018-160950/
After the model has finished training, run the command below to have the JetBot navigate autonomously around the track. Substitute the path to your model below:
ros2 launch jetbot_ros model:=/workspace/src/jetbot_ros/data/models/202106282129/model_best.pth
note: to reset the position of the robot in the Gazebo environment, press