Counting with Burnsides Lemma.
We our going to color the vertices of a cube. Lets use two colors, black or white. We need a permutation representation of the cube that acts on the vertices.
cube := Group([(1, 2, 3, 4)(5, 6, 7, 8), (1, 4, 8, 5)(2, 3, 7, 6)]);
How do we know this is a correct. It certainly is a subgroup. By the
Orbit-Stabilizer theorem we can figure out that the order
should be 24
One way we could represent a coloring of the vertices of the cube by black and
white is as a function from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
to the set
{"b", "w"}
. Functions are represented as special subsets of the Cartesian
product of the two sets. E.g. the function
{(1,"w"), (2,"w"), (3,"w"), (4,"w"), (5,"b"), (6,"b"), (7,"b"), (8,"b")}
indicates that the vertices in the top face are colored white, while all the
rest are colored black. We can calculate it with the following combination of
degree := 8;
colorings := Filtered(
Combinations(Cartesian([], ["b","w"]), degree)
, \c -> Size(Set(List(c, \a -> a[1]))) = degree
Because each vertex has two choices we expect 2^8 = 256
Two colorings are the same if we can obtain one from the other by a rotation of
the cube. The cube
group induces an action on the colorings, and two colorings
are the same precisely when they are in the same orbit.
Knowing the number of orbits this actions has is knowing the number of different colorings. Because the group and the G-set are both small, we can calculate it directly.
For this we need to tell GAP how to compute the action. We will define the
function for this
OnFunctions := function(omega, g)
local result;
result := List(omega, t -> [t[1]^g, t[2]]);
SortBy(result, t -> t[1]);
return result;
with this we find
orbits := Orbits(cube, colorings, OnFunctions);
This tells us that there are 23
different black and white colorings of the
vertices of a cube.
We want to reproduce this result by using Burnside's lemma. For this we need to
figure out the image of a coloring under a group element. This is achieved with
the OnSets
acting function.
image := OnFunctions([
[1, "w"],
[2, "w"],
[3, "w"],
[4, "b"],
[5, "b"],
[6, "b"],
[7, "b"],
[8, "b"],
], cube.1);
Burnside's lemma equates the number of orbits with the average number of colorings fixed by a permutation. Let's create a function for that
IsFixed := function(omega, g)
return OnFunctions(omega, g) = omega;
We can use IsFixed
to filter all the colorings that are fixed by a
fixed := Filtered(colorings, \c -> IsFixed(c, cube.1));
We need the size of these fixed colorings and sum them for each permutation in the group. This sum should be averaged with the group order.
orbitCount := 1/Order(cube) * Sum(List(Elements(cube), \g -> Size(Filtered(colorings, \c -> IsFixed(c, g)))));
This answer agrees with the direct calculation.