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Releases: dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool


11 Jul 19:49
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Fixed: Ghost elevation not calculated correctly

Fixed: Processing DSV generating table indexing  errors
Added: Use library unpack method for normal angle
Added: Extra log on timer navigation fail

ТА 8.688

12 Aug 07:54
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Added: Automatic borders and control value for slider menus
Added: Better wire extension comments
Added: Bezier curve utilization to create tangent-fitted turns
Added: Borders and slider defaut are taken by cascade condition
Added: CAP catwalks where applicable
Added: Convar name expand and process via GetNameExp
Added: Curve data info point enabled stored in tC.Info.Rays
Added: Curve insert array flag element when POA available
Added: Curve remove adds management of tC.Info.Rays
Added: Custom user ghost fading control [0-1]
Added: Database entries for Hanging catwalks
Added: Database for Modular Sewer ID 2340192251
Added: Dedicated API to run library intersections IntersectRayPair
Added: Dedicated routine for Sliders checkboxes and buttons
Added: Dedicated routines for sliders and check-boxes
Added: Drawing for node intersection
Added: Dynamic translation over constant English strings
Added: Error controls when creating panels
Added: Error-no-halt for development in header
Added: Extend the DSV database of Joe's rails thanks to @mbqwertyaaaAdded: data/trackassembly/dsv/joe_s_2ft_track_pack2trackassembly_pieces.txt
Added: Force server to send translation to the client via AddSingleFile
Added: Grid snapper and value snapper
Added: Joe's 2FT track pack from
Added: Library function for populating tool information
Added: Links to CAP walkways and
Added: Make the button sliders recognizable
Added: Missing BG translations
Added: Missing controls for frequently used count
Added: New line in workshop publisher
Added: Node is taken from intersection and normal from nodes addition
Added: Node transformation stores original POA angle
Added: POA flag in the curve insert procedure
Added: Panel internal identifiers being printed in the log
Added: Performance and security improvements
Added: Portal catwalk
Added: Projection location is utilized in case only one node is active point
Added: Radial menu segmented circle interpolation
Added: Radial menu segmented circle parameter
Added: Retrieve min/max for assembly convar values
Added: Simetral hit projection for node
Added: Snap assist will now draw point ID
Added: The radial menu can now be custom rotated
Added: Track assembly extension register
Added: When trace entity is phys prop but not a track creates spawn
Added: data/trackassembly/dsv/joe_s_2ft_track_packtrackassembly_category.txt
Added: data/trackassembly/dsv/joe_s_2ft_track_packtrackassembly_pieces.txt
Changed: Drawing POA takes the point with priority to origin when provided
Changed: Hover trigger convar is no shared
Changed: Slight code arraignment
Changed: Translations relative to LUA instead of GAME
Changed: Use well documented function instead of non-documented
Changed: combo boxes and text entries tall is now 25
Factorized: Node intersection conditions
Fixed: A bunch of runtime errors
Fixed: Apply colors
Fixed: Apply translations for user and admin configuration panels
Fixed: Cached node location being used for projection origin
Fixed: Client convar methods returning GetAsmConvar
Fixed: Color picker does not
Fixed: Come Bulgarian typos
Fixed: Context menu
Fixed: Creating slider log is shown only once on data found
Fixed: Curve node drawing error SQRT(nil) in some cases
Fixed: Curve piece validation returns the proper length
Fixed: Default panel tall is 22
Fixed: Docking on the top fro button-sliders
Fixed: Drastically reduce the context menu security notification times
Fixed: Drawing actual node origin instead of hit for turn projection/intersection
Fixed: Export path not available for autorun and translator
Fixed: First point picked for portal stairs elevation
Fixed: Forbid usage for positive dot product POAs
Fixed: Forbid usage of pieces shorter than epsilon
Fixed: Ghosts are drawn for models that do not s
Fixed: Inserting curve node uses a vector copy
Fixed: Issue #31 and improved accuracy
Fixed: Issue #35 asmlib addressing inside the module is incorrect
Fixed: Limits for automatic slider controls
Fixed: Move library reference down
Fixed: PHX Switch Right not having sequential ends
Fixed: Phys-gun drop draw failing to index trace data when active radius is zero
Fixed: Player cannot longer remove other players stuff
Fixed: Projection missing addition with origin
Fixed: Ray projection not normalizing direction rays
Fixed: Regular right-click point not working
Fixed: Return values of ray projection match convention
Fixed: Server status
Fixed: Skip shooting a ray in some cases when match is not found
Fixed: Slider buttons with proper panel and utilizing buttons count
Fixed: Some English typos
Fixed: Some convars have missing or incorrect borders
Fixed: Some runtime errors of extra end crashing the tool
Fixed: Some typos in Bulgarian
Fixed: Spawn rate default is 1 and amx is 10 to reduce lag
Fixed: Tool category overriding the value of track sub-folders tooltip
Fixed: Translations and icons for database mode and bnderrmod
Fixed: Use CurTime for client
Fixed: Use correct intersection colors for HUD
Fixed: Use english translation code for indexing instead of N/A (Fix: #34)
Fixed: Use existence of POA instead of working mode
Fixed: Use local instead of global identifiers for library actions and commands
Fixed: Using actual flags indicating active point node source
Fixed: Workshop published does not print the
Fixed: XY Point division
Fixed: InitLocalify is procedure and return nil is not needed
Improved: Accuracy of Modular Sewer
Improved: Drawing speed of GetCurveTransform
Improved: Library function description and logs
Improved: Offsets for PHX cross X
Improved: Other minor improvements
Moved: Factory reset to admin control panel
Optimized: Calculation of euclidean distance
Optimized: IntersectRay, IntersectRayParallel
Optimized: Making vector
Optimized: Ray intersection on case of zero length
Ordered: Reduce the icon format convar name
Reduced: Log control
Removed: Button argument from snap buttons
Removed: External log argument for hook identifier as not needed
Removed: First format argument for translations path
Removed: Open frame manual collect-garbage as not needed
Removed: Printing nil hard-coded when exporting workshop ID
Removed: Server control conditions for some server CVARs
Removed: Trigger node intersection via ALT and use non-POA instead
Removed: Unneeded return nil in certain functions
Removed: the variables that are not used
Renamed: Ghost blend variable to ghostblnd
Renamed: Modular canals to Canals
Renamed: Some of the internal variables simetral to bisector
Renamed: Unified intersect table Rays
Renamed: Curve Replaced: ASCII arrows with >Reverted: Copying data from combo boxes deleted by mistake Reverted: Dynamic compilation translations Updated: Slider and checkbox automatic defaults and limits population (#27) Utilize: GetReport# in some cases for better log readability Utilize: NewIntersectRayPairinIntersectRayHashUtilized:SetUnpacked` as it is faster

TA 8.642

14 Jan 14:58
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Fixed: Misconception when leaving the active point origin empty
Fixed: Track assembly data folder gets merged with the Gmod data folder
Fixed: All settings have dedicated set folder
Fixed: Indexing NIL output file close one value mismatch
Fixed: Worshop ID is missed when exporting type to DSV generator
Fixed: Workshop ID utilizing number value overflow
Added: New Bulgarian translation hashes
Fixed: Label for material type missing in french
Added: [UPD] French translation (#25)
Utilize: GetReport% in lookup attachments and model to name conversion
Updated: Tool information strings
Updated: Utilize existence of POA when converting from active point…
Fixed: Missing forced spawn data argument in GetEntitySpawn
Fixed: Admin panel does not modify memory manager clear and collect v…
Fixed: Curve node active point utilization using origin as HIT inst…
Fixed: Adding new task resting the busy stats for the first routine
Updated: Tool scrip in-game screenshot
Updated: Bulgarian proofing errors
Added: Dynamic legend and information for working modes
Updated: Readme tool utilization help now corresponds to the real thing
Fixed: Undo for curving and flipping is properly drawn

TA 8.622

04 Dec 07:27
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Added: Admin control options
Added: All database enters
Added: All items from Trackmania United Props
Added: Amount of curve interpolation samples define by the server curvsmple
Added: Catmull–Rom cure track interpolation working mode
Added: Circle line interaction and check
Added: Click function into the node created
Added: Constrain information generation
Added: Constraints information generator for flip over
Added: Curve calculation and spawning as a task routine
Added: Curve calculator caller that handles data between GetCatmullRomCurve and player cache
Added: Curve node update
Added: Curve parameterization for track active point origin
Added: Curve segment turning factor calculator
Added: Curve sharpness requirement control ( 0 to disable )
Added: Dedicated borders and default values to tweak convars
Added: Dedicated condition for flip over mode GetFlipOverFlag
Added: Dedicated container for convar callbacks
Added: Dedicated curve ends margin
Added: Dedicated curve snap origins storage
Added: Dedicated curving check and transform
Added: Dedicated curving piece information POS, ANG, UCS
Added: Dedicated model to name conversion beautifier: GetBeautifyName
Added: Dedicated tool method color manager
Added: Dedicated user and admin preferences configuration
Added: Dedicated workshop ID storage invoked from the track tree opens addon page
Added: Drawing the location of active point to retrieve the normal vector from
Added: Equal OOB transform calculation
Added: Excessive lean limit
Added: Export gen align errors
Added: Flag for ghosting recalculation request
Added: Flip over-snapping mode as parameterization only ( no logic )
Added: Flipping over relative to the model intersection (holder model = trace model)
Added: Iteration format
Added: Left click queue busy. Spawn information is overwritten!
Added: More track mania segments
Added: Node creation form track active point ( not moved with the track )
Added: Origin initialization in curve calculation request
Added: Perspective for the first and last curve node
Added: Perspective to draw POA
Added: Player can use SHIFT + Right click to preform standard ops in WM 4 ( OVER )
Added: Proper drawing for curve fitting based on net messages
Added: Proper scaling for distant positions circles drawing
Added: Queue track spawn multiple progress (#22)
Added: STMT caching for drop/delete SQL table
Added: Second networked condition to flip over entities being variable name
Added: Segment length is calculated in the curve calculation request
Added: Segment snapping is calculated in the curve calculation request
Added: Segment spawn data factorization
Added: Shift + Click expands/collapses all child nodes
Added: Snapping emptying in curve calculation request
Added: Stack limit for the curving via stack count
Added: TA constraint identifier
Added: Total curve snapping information via progress stData.SKept
Added: Track mania united track props single straight piece for DEV
Added: Translation and explanations for type and category items in the panel
Added: Translation for the third working mode [3] CURVE
Added: Translations for the menu panel
Added: Utilized DrawNextPoint two times
Added: Wire API create piece done with color vector and separate alpha
Added: Working mode flip-over spawn/snap ( also to trace not hitting active point )
Added: GetFlipOverOrigin now returns third argument active point
Adjusted code base for curve fitting working mode
Adjusted drop-down menus icons
Adjusted: perspective radius limits
Changed: Color of the non placed yet node distance to yellow
Changed: Color updated to the asm library
Changed: Getflip over entity/array output is now controlled with flag
Changed: Right click copies the name and shif+right the model
Changed: Use vector copy constrictor instead of Vector():Set()
Changed: GetFlipOverArray automatically converts all IDs to numbers
Changed: GetFlipOverEntity and GetFlipOverArray now return table and length
Consolidated curving MUTE mode and ghost calculation request
Disabled: Ghosting for work-mode 3 CURVE
Fixed: Active radius resized circles with proper perspective
Fixed: Body group in Russian and Bulgarian looking weird
Fixed: Change the naming of some controls
Fixed: Constraint mirroring in flip over mode
Fixed: Control panel size starts at 1 and registers one element more
Fixed: Convar borders are stored in the border table but not in the convar object
Fixed: Convar borders have values on client and server
Fixed: Count is showing
Fixed: Curve calculation request wipes out the snap information array
Fixed: Curve calculator GetCatmullRomCurve always empties the output table
Fixed: Curve interpolation tangent generating NaN vectors
Fixed: Curve not changing when control point is updated
Fixed: Curve snapping is now done segment by segment
Fixed: Curving failing die to having duplicated nodes
Fixed: Drawing lines in segmented mode does not draw the rest of the line
Fixed: Drawing parameters not being bound to the drawing method
Fixed: Drawing the active point when shift is pressed to select local normal
Fixed: Emptying the curve snap list two times
Fixed: Error messages in red when empty string is passes to asmlib convars
Fixed: Fading ghosts models not being reset when mismatch is found
Fixed: Flip over mode with proper player notification messages
Fixed: Ghosted props not faded when snap is being recalculated and spawn is not present
Fixed: Ghosting depth one when stack count is set to zero
Fixed: Ghosting depths not being scenario based
Fixed: Internal LUA cache handling for tables when file is reloaded
Fixed: Items without define category being scattered across the tree
Fixed: Iterator index name for drawing lines in segmented mode uses position
Fixed: Log reports doubling errors in the main queue routine
Fixed: Logging if curve segment ID mismatch displayed as nil
Fixed: Modular canals addon page not opening
Fixed: Panel node unable to copy model
Fixed: Phys-gun draw circles perspective
Fixed: Phys-gun draw coordinate system missing player
Fixed: Player is able to spawn a piece even if the stack queue is busy
Fixed: Point on a line check
Fixed: Progress bar for spawning multiple
Fixed: Proper dimension check when circle radius to ray origin is close t zero
Fixed: Relay assist no drawing POA coordinate system
Fixed: Remove irrelevant data to prevent user creating curves with no nodes
Fixed: Returning temporary vector from GetEntityHitID gives no information
Fixed: Run-time concatenation errors
Fixed: Screens table missing
Fixed: Segfault trigger in the pieces manager
Fixed: Server busy for the given player is dedicated to the tool mode
Fixed: Snap-curving parameters in the sane manner
Fixed: Some Shinji rails not being classified
Fixed: Some control panel convar limits
Fixed: Some ghosts keep being drawn after stack count is adjusted
Fixed: Some parameter checks are missing in curving mode
Fixed: Some readme typos
Fixed: Some runtime errors in some rare cases
Fixed: Some variables not being reset by the factory reset
Fixed: Spawn data is overridden with the next left click after stacking
Fixed: Spawn rate translation cache
Fixed: Task queue is created/executed only on the server
Fixed: Task queue is executed eve if the player switches to another tool
Fixed: Toolgun grab will no longer draw adviser on a physgun-disabled entity
Fixed: Total nodes and last node clear ID not shown
Fixed: Track curve snap information not being sequential for using iD instead of SSize
Fixed: Track segments are not being contained
Fixed: Unable to spawn/snap one piece when stack count is set to zero
Fixed: Undo list is properly created and not disturbed by other tools
Fixed: Update curve active point elevation being applied on node
Fixed: User can click also on the category/type node label to expand it
Fixed: Users/Clients accessing max stack attempts and export database control in multiplayer
Fixed: Working mode reader sometimes slows down the tool
Fixed: Wrap turning factor in square brackets two times
Fixed: Wrong entity in the logs for phys properties
Fixed: GetCurveSnap may get called more than once for the current segment
Fixed: IsPlayer and IsOther do not return accurate results for non-entities
Fixed: missing concatenation on error
Improved: Accuracy of SW minitrain tracks
Increased: the value of maxstatts
Moved: Client related operation variables to client #ifdef
Moved: Ghosting depth count to user preferences
Moved: Node creating algorithm to the ASM library
Moved: Panel refresh configuration in the initialization
Moved: Registering tool reference in the CLIENT #ifdef
Optimize drawing a rectangle and progress bar
Optimized: Player view radius
Optimized: Retrieving transformation for flip-over mode
Protected: Calling the the vector line and sphere intersection functions from outside
Registered: dedicated font to draw spawn data with DebugSpawnTA
Removed: Additional enable radial menu flag
Removed: Beautification and click node function as arguments
Removed: Force request for panel recreation. Use spawnmenu_reload instead
Renamed: z_autorun_[standalone].txt to autonomous_[trackassembly].txt
Renamed: GetCategory to Categorize
Renamed: Functions get/set Directory
Reordered: Ghosting flags and setup enums
Reverted: Use the Z offset when building a curve
Reverted: GetTransformOBB as it roll the track relative to OBB
Updated: Ghosting depth for CURVE
Updated: Accurate additions log
Updated: Bobster's category calculation
Updated: Call action key with vararg utilization
Updated: Container, screen and queue creators
Updated: Create table procedure
Updated: Curve check now returns second argument track length
Updated: Drawing rectangle with rounded box
Updated: Flip over mode using a dedica...

Read more

TA 7.592

12 Oct 15:43
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Fixed: Frame close shortcut ALT + E closes all opened frame at once
Fixed: Frame close shortcut ALT + E closes the last frame on the stack
French translation fixed by @Gedo789. Thanks man !
Fixed: Memory leak container elements pushing NULL on frame close with [X]
Fixed: Close shortcut for frames stored in ITEM_VGUI elements
Fixed: Run-time error regarding the DSV list export manager
Fixed: Scoping of file names in the DSV related folder sNam -> sCur
Removed: Extra revision sym exported to the DSV list
Updated: DSV is deleted first and list view is cleared second
Added: External pluggable database manipulation panel
Added: Server-side piece context menu values are sent to client
Added: Icons for the context menu and tables
Added: Icons format and hashing

TA 6.549

19 Jul 14:29
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Fixed: Concatenation fail when user sets the timer settings to an empty value
Fixed: Exploding a nil value when empty settings tor the timers are used #14
Added: Context menu video to the list of features
Added: Context menu list
Fixed: GetPhrase not working on the server
Replaced: TAB auto-fill with context menu option
Added: Requirement gamemode.Call is nice to be called
Added: Control label for bgskingid
Added: Entity and ID transfer routine
Removed: Dedicated space from translations of pn_routine_hd
Fixed: Switched values of model and model_con
Fixed: The proper name of phyname instead of physmater
Fixed: Transfer method does not recieve reference to self
Added: Translation hash for phyname_con
Added: Context menu for model, freeze, gravity
Added: Trimming of : and spaces in the context menu
Added: Con-var callback for updating phyname dedicated combo box in the control panel
Fixed: Russian swapped control and description
Renamed: Freeze on spawn to Freeze piece
Updated: Freezing a piece is bind to EnableMotion and switched to motion
Added: CLIENT/SERVER function evaluation data ID 3
Optimized: GetDirectoryObj using a local reference pList
Updated: Context menu
Version sync with master
Added: Joe's track pack half
Fixed: Value type report always printing nil
Added: Storage cache for screens and containers
Added: Containers with non-integer keys can have sequential data
Added: Container for OPEN_FRAME is created once and cleared on menu creation
Optimized: Copy the model to the clipboard on track piece selection
Fixed: Tooltips not working for slider buttons
Added: Ability to copy all the values in the list view of frequent pieces
Updated: Frequent pieces menu factorization
Fixed: Potential slider buttons error not caught and logged
Added: Position and angle arguments for entity none
Changed: Bit of factorization
Fixed: Attachment points to correspond to the latest Gmod docs
Renamed: Record database spawn type to RDB key corrected name
Fixed: Frequent pieces missing labels
Fixed: Frequent pieces panel labels not updated when language is changed
Replaced: Variable not some type to type mismatch GetReport()
Update issue templates
Added: Struct spawn automatic size fill-ups
Changed: Strict spawn debug mode is drawn on the left
Fixed: Unidentified reference to global pcall
Updated: Use local reference to the SQL statement than indexing command table
Fixed: Spawn related matrices are drawn row by row
Added: Debug drawing format for spawn structure
Added: Dedicated drawing APIs for known spawn types
Fixed: Holder point ID not updated on normal snap request
Added: Ability to constrain check for ApplyPhysicalAnchor
Removed: Point ID to number conversion in some places using second argument of LocatePOA
Removed: General drawing formatted for spawn values
Added: Pawn structure format and drawing
Added: API for reading the sequential table keys GetBuilderID
Changed: Spawn structure definition is outside the library
Updated: Spawn structure information drawing
Updated: API GetCacheSpawn now uses spawn structure definition to generate
Updated: console variable interface SetAsmConvar

TA 6.524

15 May 07:24
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Fixed: Borders are not shown in the logs
Fixed: Bunch of mistypes references and stuff for SCREEN:DrawPOA
Fixed: Drawing uses hit-to-origin for drawing the base line in TOOL:DrawHUD
Updated: Function SetBorder now logs the key old state correctly
Updated: Function MakeAsmConvar now prints only the devalut value provided
Fixed: Potential crashed in some rare cases due to missing table definition reference
Added: Factorization ProcessDSV using table sequential creation
Added: Reports for value types to the logs
Improved: Code base of IntersectRayHash
Improved: Code base of IntersectSnap
Removed: Scaler 1 from GetCacheRadius calls
Fixed: POA draw routine uses the same radius
Added: Logical path log tracing for Reload
Updated the trace view radius of DrawSnapAssist and DrawRelateAssist
Added: General drawing for POA
Removed: Drawing coordinate system tool method
Replaced: if/not/ with nil check for cached records
Added: Positional and angular adviser to the physgun snap feature
Added: ghost stack drawing to the physgun snap feature
Added: Manual border addition for library initialization
Added: Drawing coordinate systems dedicated screen method
Changed: Tool coordinate system draw to dedicated screen method
Added: Base transformation to the debug information
Updated: The draw adviser for phys-gun snap
Fixed: Tool holster not calling the garbage collector for the stack depth
Added: Phys-gun drop draw now ghosts the entity being held
Added: Abstraction for single ghost creation and auto-storage
Added: Vector and scalar interpolation
Updated: Pluggable DSV databases import/export error origins
Added: Skipped log sources.
Fixed: If primary key for synchronization is empty string. Replace with NULL
Fixed: Going from LUA to SQL mode revises the track type creating additional nodes
Fixed: Primary key synchronization missing enforced quotes when string
Added: Ability to printout mismatched primary keys on capital casing string and auto-correct

matrix_POA for GmodBG RP

01 Jan 20:24
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Последната ревизия на подобрния монтажник на трасе

TA 5.462

11 Aug 19:45
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Fixed: Wiremod API description
Added: Library color handler
Added: Wiremod vector/angle/color indexing
Optimized: Data sorting algorithm
Renamed: A bunch of variables to match the mnemonics of the module
Updated: POA structure mnemonics

TA 5.450

01 Aug 18:22
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Added: Track switcher information to the
Relocated: File line golden retriever ( who's a good boy )
Added: Tool variables callback API
Added: Ability to return the object from ASM variables
Factorization of local function RegisterPOA(stPiece, ivID, sP, sO, sA)
Added: E2 API Description