- Update OS
- Enable Flathub "flatpak remote-modify --no-filter --enable flathub"
- Install Ansible
- Create Ansible Vault
- Run Anisible Playbook
- Swamp FFMPEG "sudo dnf swap ffmpeg-free ffmpeg --allowerasing"
Restore backup
Setup Firefox
Setup Thunderbird accounts (d.verbeek@uu.nl / dverbeek84@gmail.com / dannyenmirella@gmail.com / d.verbeek@dotnow.nl)
Login to GitHub
Login to Google (dverbeek84@gmail.com / dannyenmirella@gmail.com / d.verbeek@dotnow.nl)
Login to Spotify
Configure keepassxc
Connect Bose headset
Install oc and openshift-installer
Login JetBrains ToolBox
Install Pycharm / Goland
Enable Flathub
find Backup -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ; find Backup -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;