XRPL monitor is a micropython script to monitor the XRP Ledger volume and price through a ESP32 board with a 2.4" screen attached.
You will need the following hardware or equivalent (15$ approx plus shipping costs if they apply):
A ESP32 board like the Wemos Lolin D32 PRO (8.8$ - I used the 4MB-flash one)
A 2.4" TFT display (5.9$)
A display cable to connect both (0.8$)
Loboris has a wiki a wiki with complete instructions to build and/or install its firmware. The following is a shortened version for Linux only:
Download or clone Loboris' MicroPython firmware for the ESP32 , and unzip it.
Open a terminal and change directory to the firmware's location:
cd .../MicroPython_ESP32_psRAM_LoBo-master/MicroPython_BUILD/firmware/esp32_psram_all_bt/
Plug the board to your computer's USB port, and get your device location (usually /dev/ttyUSB0):
ls /dev/ttyUSB*
Flash the firmware:
../flash.sh -p dev/ttyUSB0
Clone or download this repository, unzip it and and change directory to your extracted copy.
Edit the file boot.py to set your wifi ESSID (the network's name) and its password instead of < WIFI_ESSID > and < WIFI_PASSWORD >.
Install rshell (you'll need the python3-pip package):
sudo pip3 install rshell
Reset your ESP32 device with the reset button, and connect into it with rshell:
rshell --buffer-size=30 -p /dev/ttyUSB0
Copy the needed files into the ESP32: boot.py, consola18.fon, RippleDataAPI.py, xrp.jpg, xrp_basic.jpg and XRPLmonitor.py
cp <file_name> /pyboard/flash
Reset your ESP32 device