is a FEM library for C++. This contains
- Linear algebra models (Vector, Dense Matrix, Sparse Matrix)
- Linear algebra solvers (CG, BiCGSTAB, BiCGSTAB2, Lanczos, ...)
- FEM controller (Assembling system, Shape function, Integration method, ...)
- FEM equations (Linear/Total Lagrange/Updated Lagrange solid, Heat transfer, Fluid, ...)
- Optimization solver (OC method, MMA)
and you can easily create the simulation environment you need.
You can build and run a sample code as below
$ git clone
$ g++ -O3 -fopenmp sample/solid/sample_updatedlagrange.cpp
$ a.exe
and you will get vtk format (*.vtk) result file.
This library has 3 advantages:
- Template library
→ You only pass through the path and include this. - Various combination
→ You can select Equations, Shape functions and Integration methods. - Optimization
→ This program is originaly developed for Topology Optimization.
Topology optimization about Plane Strain
Topology optimization about Heat Transfer
Topology optimization about Stokes
Tanabe Yuta(@Bena43754971)
This library is licensed under the MIT license.
(C)2020 TanabeYuta