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sbt-travisci is an sbt plugin to integrate with Travis CI.

Original idea from @djspiewak in his djspiewak/base.g8 template.


Add this to your sbt build plugins, in either project/plugins.sbt or project/travisci.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.dwijnand" % "sbt-travisci" % "1.2.0")

Then make sure to NOT set the crossScalaVersions setting, otherwise you will override sbt-travisci.

Other than that, as sbt-travisci is an AutoPlugin that is all that is required.


  • isTravisBuild in Global will be automatically be set to true if the current build is running under Travis CI.
  • travisPrNumber in Global will be automatically set to the number of the pull request, in case the build is a pull request build. Otherwise, it will have a value of None.
  • crossScalaVersions in ThisBuild will be automatically set to the scala versions in .travis.yml, falling back (with warnings) to the value of crossScalaVersions in Global if it can't be found or parsed properly.
  • scalaVersion in ThisBuild will be automatically set to TRAVIS_SCALA_VERSION if isTravisBuild is true, otherwise to the last version in crossScalaVersions, and so by default, sbt will assume you want to develop under the last version listed in .travis.yml.
  • scala212 in ThisBuild will be automatically set to the unique 2.12.x version in .travis.yml, or "no-2.12-version" if none set and "multiple-2.12-versions" (with a warning log) if multiple set. Same for scala210, scala211, and scala213.
  • crossSbtVersions in ThisBuild will be automatically set to the TRAVIS_SBT_VERSIONs in env properties in .travis.yml, falling back (with warnings) to the value of crossSbtVersions in Global if it can't be found or parsed properly.
  • sbtVersion in ThisBuild will be automatically set to TRAVIS_SBT_VERSION if isTravisBuild is true, otherwise to the last version in crossSbtVersions, and so by default, sbt will assume you want to develop under the last version listed in .travis.yml.


Given a .travis.yml of:

  - 2.11.8
  - 2.12.0

scalaVersion in ThisBuild will be "2.12.0".

Sanity checking a scala version key

As a sanity check, you can stop the build from loading by running a check during sbt's onLoad. For instance, to make sure that scala212 is defines a scala version you can use:

Global / onLoad := (Global / onLoad).value.andThen { s =>
  val v = scala212.value
  if (!CrossVersion.isScalaApiCompatible(v))
    throw new MessageOnlyException(
      s"Key scala212 doesn't define a scala version. Check .travis.yml is setup right. Version: $v"

This will return an error message like the following:

[error] Key scala212 doesn't define a scala version. Check .travis.yml is setup right. Version: no-2.12-version


Copyright 2016 Dale Wijnand

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.