A ruby interface to the keyczar crypto library. Provides basic encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify methods. This is just a wrapper around the c++ version of keyczar. You will need keyczar-cpp in order to use it. Find keyczar-cpp here: code.google.com/p/keyczar/downloads/list
For now, we assume that keyczar-cpp was installed with the prefix /usr/local. You should be able to install it with these commands:
$ cd keyczar-cpp/src $ sh ./tools/swtoolkit/hammer.sh --mode=opt-linux --compat $ sh ./tools/swtoolkit/hammer.sh --mode=opt-linux --compat install
replace opt-linux above by opt-bsd or opt-mac depending on your system
Keyczar::Crypter#encrypt(plaintext) #=> cryptext Keyczar::Crypter#decrypt(cryptext) #=> plaintext Keyczar::Signer#sign(text) #=> signature Keyczar::Signer#verify(text,signature) #=> true or false
The first 3 return empty string on error. #encrypt and #sign results are base64 encoded.
The first 3 return nil when passed nil. The 4th returns false when passed a nil for either text or signature.
$ gem install keyczar_ruby
For bundler, add it to your Gemfile and run
$ bundle install