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dwmetz committed Feb 14, 2024
1 parent a6a1400 commit 8a4fbe2
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Showing 7 changed files with 486 additions and 214 deletions.
389 changes: 211 additions & 178 deletions CyberPipe.ps1
100644 → 100755
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,178 +1,211 @@
previously named "CSIRT-Collect"
Author: @dwmetz
Function: This script will:
- capture a memory image with DumpIt for Windows, (x32, x64, ARM64)
- capture a triage image with KAPE,
- check for encrypted disks,
- recover the active BitLocker Recovery key,
- save all artifacts, output and audit logs to USB or source network drive.
Prerequisites: (updated for v.4)
- [MAGNET DumpIt for Windows](
- [KAPE](
- DumpIt.exe (64-bit) in /modules/bin
- DumpIt_arm.exe (DumpIt.exe ARM release) in /modules/bin
- (optional) DumpIt_x86.exe (DumpIt.exe x86 release) in /modules/bin
- [Encrypted Disk Detector]( (EDDv310.exe) in /modules/bin/EDD
- CyberPipe.ps1 next to your KAPE directory (whether on network or USB) and the script will take care of any folder creation necessary.
- Open PowerShell as Adminstrator
- Execute ./CyberPipe.ps1
Release Notes:
v4.01 - Memory modules and EDD separated to enable easy commenting-out of memory capture for triage capture only
v4.0 - "One Script to Rule them All"
- Admin permissions check before execution
- Memory acquisition will use Magnet DumpIt for Windows (previously used Magnet RAM Capture).
- Support for x64, ARM64 and x86 architectures.
- Both memory acquistion and triage collection now facilitated via KAPE batch mode with _kape.cli dynamically built during execution.
- Capture directories now named to $hostname-$timestamp to support multiple collections from the same asset without overwriting.
- Alert if Bitlocker key not detected. Both display and (empty) text file updated if encryption key not detected.
- If key is detected it is written to the output file.
- More efficient use of variables for output files rather than relying on renaming functions during operations.
- Now just one script for Network or USB usage. Uncomment the “Network Collection” section for network use.
- Stopwatch function will calculate the total runtime of the collection.
- ASCII art “Ceci n’est pas une pipe.”
param ([switch]$Elevated)
function Test-Admin {
$currentUser = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
if ((Test-Admin) -eq $false) {
if ($elevated) {
} else {
Write-host -fore DarkCyan "CyberPipe requires Admin permissions (not detected). Exiting."
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-host -Fore Cyan "
.',;::cccccc:;. ...'''''''..'.
.;ccclllloooddxc. .';clooddoolcc::;:;.
.:ccclllloooddxo. .,coxxxxxdl:,'..
'ccccclllooodddd' .,,'lxkxxxo:'.
'ccccclllooodddd' .,:lxOkl,;oxo,.
':cccclllooodddo. .:dkOOOOkkd;''.
.:cccclllooooddo. ..;lxkOOOOOkkkd;
Write-Host -Fore Cyan " CyberPipe IR Collection Script v4.01"
Write-Host -Fore Gray ""
Write-Host -Fore Gray " @dwmetz | $([char]0x00A9)2023"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
$stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
## Network Collection - uncomment the section below for Network use
$server = "\\hydepark\automate\watchfolders\cyberpipe" # Server configuration
Write-Host -Fore Gray "Mapping network drive..."
$Networkpath = "Z:\"
If (Test-Path -Path $Networkpath) {
Write-Host -Fore Gray "Drive Exists already."
Else {
# map network drive
(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).MapNetworkDrive("Z:","$server")
# check mapping again
If (Test-Path -Path $Networkpath) {
Write-Host -Fore Gray "Drive has been mapped."
Else {
Write-Host -Fore Red "Error mapping drive."
Set-Location Z:
## Below is for USB and Network:
$tstamp = (Get-Date -Format "_yyyyMMddHHmm")
$collection = $env:COMPUTERNAME+$tstamp
$wd = Get-Location
If (Test-Path -Path Collections) {
Write-Host -Fore Gray "Collections directory exists."
Else {
$null = mkdir Collections
If (Test-Path -Path Collections) {
Write-Host -Fore Gray "Collection directory created."
Else {
Write-Host -For Cyan "Error creating directory."
Set-Location Collections
$CollectionHostpath = "$wd\Collections\$collection"
If (Test-Path -Path $CollectionHostpath) {
Write-Host -Fore Gray "Host directory already exists."
Else {
$null = mkdir $CollectionHostpath
If (Test-Path -Path $CollectionHostpath) {
Write-Host -Fore Gray "Host directory created."
Else {
Write-Host -For Cyan "Error creating directory."
$MemoryCollectionpath = "$CollectionHostpath\Memory"
If (Test-Path -Path $MemoryCollectionpath) {
Else {
$null = mkdir "$CollectionHostpath\Memory"
If (Test-Path -Path $MemoryCollectionpath) {
Else {
Write-Host -For Red "Error creating Memory directory."
Write-Host -Fore Gray "Determining OS build info..."
[System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version > $CollectionHostpath\Memory\$env:COMPUTERNAME-profile.txt
Write-Host -Fore Gray "Preparing _kape.cli..."
$dest = "$CollectionHostpath"
Set-Location $wd\KAPE
$arm = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).SystemType -match '(ARM)'
if ($arm -eq "True") {
Write-Host "ARM detected"
Set-Content -Path _kape.cli -Value "--msource C:\ --mdest $dest --module DumpIt_Memory_ARM --ul" }
else {
Set-Content -Path _kape.cli -Value "--msource C:\ --mdest $dest --module DumpIt_Memory --ul" }
Add-Content -Path _kape.cli -Value "--msource C:\ --mdest $dest --module MagnetForensics_EDD --ul"
Add-Content -Path _kape.cli -Value "--tsource C:\ --tdest $dest --target KapeTriage --vhdx $env:computername --zv false"
Write-host -Fore Gray "Note: DumpIt, EDD & KAPE triage collection processes will launch in separate windows."
Write-host -Fore Cyan "Triage aquisition will initate after memory collection completes."
$null = .\kape.exe
Set-Location $MemoryCollectionpath
Get-ChildItem -Filter '*memdump*' -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace 'memdump', $collection }
Write-Host -Fore Gray "Checking for BitLocker Key..."
(Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint C).KeyProtector > $CollectionHostpath\LiveResponse\$collection-key.txt
If ($Null -eq (Get-Content "$CollectionHostpath\LiveResponse\$collection-key.txt")) {
Write-Host -Fore yellow "Bitlocker key not identified."
Set-Content -Path $CollectionHostpath\LiveResponse\$collection-key.txt -Value "No Bitlocker key identified for $env:computername"
Else {
Write-Host -fore green "Bitlocker key recovered."
Set-Content -Path $CollectionHostpath\collection-complete.txt -Value "Collection complete: $((Get-Date).ToString())"
Set-Location ~
$null = $stopwatch.Elapsed
$Minutes = $StopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes
$Seconds = $StopWatch.Elapsed.Seconds
Write-Host -Fore Cyan "** Collection Completed in $Minutes minutes and $Seconds seconds.**"
previously named "CSIRT-Collect"
Author: @dwmetz
This script will:
- capture a memory image with DumpIt for Windows, (x32, x64, ARM64), or Magnet RAM capture on legacy systems
- capture a triage image with MAGNET Response,
- check for encrypted disks,
- recover the active BitLocker Recovery key,
- save all artifacts, output and audit logs to USB or source network drive.
Release Notes:
v5.0 RESPONSE Edition
Prerequisites: (in \Tools directory)
- [MAGNET Response]( (MagnetRESPONSE.exe)
- [Encrypted Disk Detector]( (EDDv310.exe)
- CyberPipe5.ps1 next to your TOOLS directory (whether on network or USB)
- Open PowerShell as Adminstrator
- Execute ./CyberPipe.ps1
param ([switch]$Elevated)
function Test-Admin {
$currentUser = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
if ((Test-Admin) -eq $false) {
if ($elevated) {
} else {
Write-host " "
Write-host "CyberPipe requires Admin permissions (not detected). Exiting."
Write-host " "
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-host "
.',;::cccccc:;. ...'''''''..'.
.;ccclllloooddxc. .';clooddoolcc::;:;.
.:ccclllloooddxo. .,coxxxxxdl:,'..
'ccccclllooodddd' .,,'lxkxxxo:'.
'ccccclllooodddd' .,:lxOkl,;oxo,.
':cccclllooodddo. .:dkOOOOkkd;''.
.:cccclllooooddo. ..;lxkOOOOOkkkd;
Write-Host "CyberPipe IR Collection Script v5.0"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "@dwmetz | $([char]0x00A9)2024"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
$stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
## Network Collection - uncomment the section below for Network use
$server = "\\server\share" # Server configuration
Write-Host "Mapping network drive..."
$Networkpath = "Z:\"
If (Test-Path -Path $Networkpath) {
Write-Host "Drive is mapped."
Else {
# map network drive
(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).MapNetworkDrive("Z:","$server")
# check mapping again
If (Test-Path -Path $Networkpath) {
Write-Host "Drive has been mapped."
Else {
Write-Host -Fore Red "Error mapping drive."
Set-Location $Networkpath
## End of Network section

## Below is for USB and Network:
$tstamp = (Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmm")
$outputpath = "$wd\Collections\$env:COMPUTERNAME-$tstamp"
$wd = Get-Location
If (Test-Path -Path $wd\Tools) {
Else {
Write-Host " "
Write-Host -For DarkCyan "Tools directory not present."
Write-Host " "


If (Test-Path -Path Collections) {
Write-Host "Collections directory exists."
Else {
$null = mkdir Collections
If (Test-Path -Path Collections) {
Write-Host "Collection directory created."
Else {
Write-Host -For DarkCyan "Error creating directory."
Set-Location Collections
If (Test-Path -Path $outputpath) {
Write-Host "Host directory already exists."
Else {
$null = mkdir $outputpath
If (Test-Path -Path $outputpath) {
Write-Host "Host directory created."
Else {
Write-Host -For DarkCyan "Error creating directory."


$profileName = "Volatile (testing)"
$arguments = "/capturevolatile"
$profileName = "MAGNET Triage"
$arguments = "/captureram /capturepagefile /capturevolatile /capturesystemfiles"
$profileName = "RAM Dump"
$arguments = "/captureram"
$profileName = "RAM & Pagefile"
$arguments = "/captureram /capturepagefile"

Write-Host ""
$tstamp = (Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmm")
$global:progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'
$stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
Write-Host -Fore Cyan "
Running MAGNET Response...
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Magnet RESPONSE v1.7
$([char]0x00A9)2021-2024 Magnet Forensics Inc
$OS = $(((gcim Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $server.Name).Name).split('|')[0])
$arch = (get-wmiobject win32_operatingsystem).osarchitecture
$name = (get-wmiobject win32_operatingsystem).csname
Write-host "
Hostname: $name
Operating System: $OS
Architecture: $arch
Selected Profile: $profileName
Output Directory: $outputpath
.$wd\Tools\MagnetRESPONSE.exe /accepteula /unattended /caseref:CyberPipe /output:"$outputpath" $arguments
Write-Host -Fore Cyan "
Collecting Artifacts...
Wait-Process -name "MagnetRESPONSE"
$null = $stopwatch.Elapsed
$Minutes = $StopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes
$Seconds = $StopWatch.Elapsed.Seconds
Write-Host -Fore Cyan "** Magnet RESPONSE Completed in $Minutes minutes and $Seconds seconds. **
Write-Host -Fore Cyan "Running Encrypted Disk Detector (EDD)...
$collection = "$env:COMPUTERNAME-$tstamp"
.$wd\Tools\EDDv310.exe /batch >> $outputpath\$collection-edd.txt
Start-Sleep 1
Get-Content $outputpath\$collection-edd.txt
Write-Host -Fore Cyan "
Checking for BitLocker Key...
(Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint C).KeyProtector > $outputpath\$collection-key.txt
If ($Null -eq (Get-Content "$outputpath\$collection-key.txt")) {
Write-Host -Fore yellow "
Bitlocker key not identified.
Set-Content -Path $outputpath\$collection-key.txt -Value "
No Bitlocker key identified for $env:computername
Else {
Write-Host -Fore Cyan "
Bitlocker key recovered.
Set-Content -Path $outputpath\$collection-complete.txt -Value "Collection complete: $((Get-Date).ToString())"
Set-Location ~
$null = $stopwatch.Elapsed
$Minutes = $StopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes
$Seconds = $StopWatch.Elapsed.Seconds
Write-Host -Fore Cyan "
*** Collection Completed in $Minutes minutes and $Seconds seconds. ***

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