- https://codepen.io/AndrisJefimovs/pen/JjGogaq
- https://codeburst.io/deconstructing-the-iconic-apple-watch-bubble-ui-aba68a405689
- https://codepen.io/anon/pen/myqamE
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-bubble-ui?activeTab=readme
- https://dzinlife.com/Apple-Watch-Spring-Board/
- lexica.art
- https://creator.nightcafe.studio/
- dall-e
- diffusion bee
- dreamlike.art
- playwright
- nightwatch
- noty
- js-notifier
- https://github.com/timolins/react-hot-toast
- https://github.com/emilkowalski/sonner
- usignal
- @webreflection/signal
- value-ref
- ulive
- trkl
- consolidate
- subscript
- jexpr
- https://github.com/devrafalko/string-math
- https://github.com/naivesound/expr-js
- https://github.com/masyl/funex
- https://github.com/chidiwilliams/expression-evaluator
- https://github.com/bugwheels94/math-expression-evaluator
- https://github.com/akira-cn/js-expression
- https://bundlephobia.com/package/bcx-expression-evaluator@1.2.1
- https://github.com/arthanzel/evaluatex
- https://github.com/TomFrost/Jexl
- https://github.com/silentmatt/expr-eval
- https://github.com/philipszdavido/expr_parser_js
- https://github.com/kdinev/EpsilonJS
- https://github.com/peakchen90/decimal-eval
- https://github.com/foo123/Xpresion
- https://github.com/abdullah2993/expression-parser
- https://github.com/ppaska/arithmetic-calculator
- https://github.com/EricSmekens/jsep
- spect/template-parts
- github/jtml
- github/template-parts
- template-instantiation-prollyfill
- template-instantiation-polyfill
- yt-player
- youtube-player
- plyr
- clappr
- mediaelementjs
- dplayer
- jplayer
- playable
- videojs-youtube
- plop
- slush
- hygen
- template-file
- motion one
- anime.js
- jscpd
- pmd
- uPlot
- https://github.com/danchitnis/webgl-plot
- https://github.com/huww98/TimeChart
- wavesurfer
- waves-ui
- audio-context-timers
- stable-timers
- https://github.com/ampproject/worker-dom
- https://github.com/AshleyScirra/via.js
- https://github.com/neomjs/neo
- https://github.com/BuilderIO/partytown
- https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/clooney
- universal-design-token
- theo
- lona
- dom-augmentor
- preact-hooks
- react-hooks
- rax-hooks
- tng-hooks
- bundt
- parcel
- pika/pack
- babel
- swc
- webrunify
- fastpack
- pax
- esbundle
- fuse box
- nexe
- sucrace
- klap
- https://dev.to/shadowtime2000/list-of-js-bundlers-14ee
- million
- vhtml
- val
- mutant
- virtual-dom
- react-hyperscript
- mercury
- virtual-hyperscript
- elementx
- mich-h
- hastscript
- vdomini
- petit-dom
- render-jsx
- vele
- dot-dom
- little-vdom
- npmfs
- unpkg/
- https://unpkg.com/sprae@3.1.0/sprae.min.js
- https://esm.sh/sprae@3.1.0/sprae.min.js
- https://cdn.skypack.dev/sprae
- htmr
- react-from-dom
- html2react
- ...manymanyothers
- customel
- react-mount
- https://github.com/jhukdev/preactement ...manymanyothers
- better-assert
- chai
- power-assert
- tinycolor2
- onecolor
- sumi-color
- color-js
- jquery-color
- color-forge
- chroma-js
- colorjs
- warna
- kolor
- colors.js
- rgbcolor
- tinytinycolor
- chameleon-js
- colorama
- alchemist-js
- color.js
- colord
- culori
- ast-types
- ast-hoist
- hoister
- node-contains
- within-element
- tosource
- findup-element
- component-closest
- mmm-cookies
- cookie-monster
- cookie-cutter
- polymer-weakmap/weakmap
- get-doc
- global
- component-emitter
- eventemitter
- emitter-component
- emmy
- enot
- component-event
- on-off
- array-flatten
- amp-flatten
- Array.prototype.flat
- esprima
- recast
- falafel
- acorn
- tenko
- babel-parser
- escaya
- escope
- ast-scope
- scopup
- ecma-variable-scope
- periscope
- uniq
- lodash.uniq
- uniq-component
- possible-array-uniq
- gen-uid
- unique
- uid
- uid2
- uid-util
- micro-uid
- component-uid
- j-uid
- unique-id
- uniqid
- short-uid
- puid
- amp-unique-id
- genuid
- simple-uid
- random-id
- smart-id
- uuid-pure
- simple-random-id
- nid
- browser-cookies
- hardtrack
- es-cookie
- matches-selector-2
- component-matches-selector
- matches-selector-shim
- matches-dom-selector
- desandro-matches-selector
- queried@matches
- audio-buffer-list
- multi-buffer-data-view
- component-object
- object-assign
- query-relative
- dom-select
- qwery
- domy-element
- querie
- zepto
- cheerio
- cash
- tiny-style
- jbone
- domstatic
- parasitejs
- min.js
- laroux
- cash
- umbrellajs
- bliss
- NodeList
- ki
- miq
- psquery
- balalaika
- bala
- metamorph
- aph
- dollardom
- sul
- select-dom
- get-elements-array
- sprint
- dominus
- d3-selection
- jquasi
- zen-observable
- rxjs
- most
- xstream
- bacon
- kefir
- flyd
- core-js
- fate-observable
- indefinite-observable
- es-observable
- light-observable
- can?
- any-observable
- newsletter
- ...other observables
- micro-observer
- defi
- on-change
- atama
- introspected
- icaro
- fp-ts
- object-observer
- observable
- observ
- observable-props
- mutant
- ironjs
- mutype/is-array
- an-array
- isarray
- mutype/is-number 101/is-number
- amp-is-number
- is
- mucss/css
- dom-style
- document-offset
- jquery.offset
- component-inherit
- component-inherits
- util
- redebug
- keypath
- dotprop
- idx
- dot-prop
- dlv
- Lots of deps injectors
- reify
- autoesm
- fast-on-load
- disconnected
- element-ready
- when-elements
- disco
- regular-elements
- watched
- spect/$
- SelectorListener
- browser-run
- browser-env with
node -r esm -r ./test/register.js test/index.js
- testling
- prova
- smokestack
- cappadonna
- node-as-browser
- many-keys-map
- many-keys-weakmap
- tuplerone
- multi-key-cache
- multikey
- composite-key-weakmap
- compositekey
- multikey-map
- ast-eval
- kudzu
- prepack
- http-server
- polka
- zwitterion
- servor
- es-dev-server
- live-server
- lite-server
- browser-sync
- sirv
- @import-maps/resolve
- html-include-element
- imported-template, html-import, juicy-html, html-import
- html-imports
- xm
- geekbrains