A command line tool to identify the worst call of a day by an umpire in the MLB. Primarily used as a debugging/verification tool for Umpire Auditor.
worst-call command --date [day]-[month]-[year]
For example, to find the worst call on July 4, 2016
$ worst-call --date 7-4-2016
Expected response
Raw pitch data:
{ des: 'Called Strike',
des_es: 'Strike cantado',
id: 342,
type: 'S',
tfs: 191212,
tfs_zulu: '2016-07-04T19:12:12Z',
x: 163.43,
y: 164.13,
event_num: 342,
on_1b: 593428,
sv_id: '160704_151246',
play_guid: '6ce95182-2438-48d6-8cd2-73b72caddd2d',
start_speed: 84.3,
end_speed: 78.1,
sz_top: 3.81,
sz_bot: 1.8,
pfx_x: -4.53,
pfx_z: 5.41,
px: -1.218,
pz: 2.765,
x0: -1.538,
y0: 50,
z0: 6.237,
vx0: 2.221,
vy0: -123.563,
vz0: -3.626,
ax: -7.022,
ay: 23.954,
az: -23.715,
break_y: 23.8,
break_angle: 15.2,
break_length: 6.6,
pitch_type: 'CH',
type_confidence: 0.317,
zone: 13,
nasty: 42,
spin_dir: 219.696,
spin_rate: 1290.805,
cc: '',
mt: '' }
The worst call missed by 6.116399999999999 inches