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Hercules Konsoulas edited this page Dec 9, 2023 · 11 revisions

BEAM 3rd Gen

We are BEAM 3rd Gen, a student team based in Thessaloniki, established in August 2020. Our team consists of 8 members, most of us students, from various study fields, with an interest in space and space missions. Our goal is to participate in a number of educational space-related programs, in order to expand our knowledge and gather experience.

Our team has already participated in a number of events. Including NewSpace Pioneers 2020 and NASA Space Apps Challenge 2020, 2021 and 2022, with the latter being the most successful, as we were awarded the 1st place in the local event and we were among the top 30 global finalists. More on our participation in these events can be found on our website: BEAM 3rd Gen.


Our main project all these years has been DROPSTAR, a microgravity experiment that will be launched in a sounding rocket in 2024. This project is part of the REXUS/BEXUS programme, an educational competition organized by ESA, DLR, SNSA, SSC, ZARM and EUROLAUNCH. During the course of the competition, student teams have to design, build, and execute an experiment using one of the two available platforms: REXUS, an unguided rocket, or BEXUS, a stratospheric balloon. Our experiment will study oil droplet coalescence events that take place in an emulsion, in microgravity conditions. A special device, that will produce the emulsion, has been designed and is currently on a manufacturing state by the team. Placed in the REXUS rocket, along with a system that will measure the degree in which the two phases of the emulsion are mixed, DROPSTAR will deliver results regarding the effects of oil droplet coalescence, and how these events affect the stability of emulsions in microgravity.

About Us

Our subteam was formed in August 2020 and consists of 8 members, aiming to participate in a number of educational space-related programs:

  • Konstantina Noula -Dpt. of Physics, AUTh.
  • Dimitrios Komitis -Dpt. of Physics, AUTh.
  • Eirini Rodiou -Dpt. of Physics, AUTh.
  • Hercules Konsoulas -Dpt. of Informatics and Electronics Engineering, IHU.
  • Chrysa Episkopou -Dpt. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, AUTh.
  • Ilias Myserlis -Dpt. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UoT.
  • Alexis Pakas -Dpt. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, AUTh.
  • Katerina Zachari -Environmental Engineering (MSc), Sustainable Development (MSc), Economic Science (BSc)

We would also like to thank former members of our team, who have contributed to our project:

  • Elli Moraitou (Subteam of Mechanics)
  • Georgia Dimopoulou (Subteam of Mechanics)
  • Apostolos Lioumpas (Subteam of Mechanics)
  • Dimitris Manolis (Subteam of Electronics)
  • Panagiotis Margaritis (Subteam of Mechanics)
  • Giorgos Mitroglou (Subteam of Marketing & Outreach)
  • Vasiliki Papatheodorou (Subteam of Mechanics)
  • Maria Doli (Subteam of Software, Marketing & Outreach and Science)
  • Alexandros Korkos (Subteam of Software)
  • Tasos Mouratoglou (Subteam of Marketing & Outreach)
  • Theodoris Tsoukalelis (Subteam of Mechanics)

Contact us

Email: Instagram: @beamauth Facebook: BEAM AUTh

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